Profile banner for cyclosaryn



Just trying to have some fun when not at the 9-5! Feel free to chill with us!

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Welcome to the channel! I'm a 30 year old software developer/QA tester that mainly games as a hobby in my spare time. Usually as a means of hanging out with friends that don't live nearby. Currently in SC. Will be a married dad of two this fall! I try to play a variety of games on stream so if anyone has any requests or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let me know! Some current favorites are WoW, Dead by Daylight, the Borderlands series, Valorant, and Fall Guys but I'm always willing to try anything!
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There aren't too many rules in chat. The main one is just to keep it civil. No racism, homophobia, or other general hate speech. Don't be afraid to call me out for my stupid plays in whatever game I'm playing either! Backseat gaming is ok as long as it isn't too over the top.
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While donations/tips are never required, they will all go back into making the stream better for you guys and are always greatly appreciated!
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While I do have a weekly schedule that can be seen in the Schedule tab, there may also be some unscheduled streams every now and then so be sure to follow my social media to know when we're going live!
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My YouTube channel is more or less just a place holder for now but I eventually want to start posting some videos to it so click the link above if you want to subscribe in the meantime!
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Intel i7-8700K @ 3.70GHz NVIDIA GeForce 1660 Super (Oof, I know. Definitely needs updating.) Corsair Vengeance 16GB RAM Shure SM7B Microphone Astro A40s OBS.Live w/ StreamElements Logitech c922 webcam