Profilový banner pre cyraninhd

4,7 tis. sledovateľov


Hello everyone! I am a DBD streamer who streams dbd every day for 4-6 hours! I have 6000 hours and love the game and its community. :) Come hang out and vibe with us sometime :)

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Name: Cyranin (Cy-ran-in) Age: 25 Main Game: DBD Hey guys, I love playing games! I do my best to maintain streaming every day. I have 5k hours in DbD and Main Survivor. However, I have been trying to get better at killer too :) Stop in and say hi <3 Business EMAIL.
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Racist or homophobic comments are not allowed and will instantly be banned. I love my community please be respectful to everyone in the chat. Please do not tell me what to do, suggestions are fine but demanding is not okay. Please do not talk about politics/ religion in the chat. Do not discuss age in the chat. just hang out and have a good time <3
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Thank you for thinking about supporting me and my stream! Donations are in no way required but are heavily appreciated <3 DONATIONS ARE NON REFUNDABLE. TOP D thetrillbill:250 Cx3mrssavage: 200 Bashton88: 150 Skiller:130 Mendicant: 50 Savage:30 Nexrym: 15 Saryon1:5
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