Баннер профиля для d3adlym3dic

370 фолловеров


Bit of a variety streamer w/ a huge emphasis on Warhammer atm.

Содержимое панели
-Don't be a dick -No Self-Promo/Promo of Others -Save the politics/religious talk -What streamer says goes
Содержимое панели
Welcome to the channel. I'm Nate. Done some stuff, saved a life or 2, but felt like it was time to build a community for ppl to take their mind off their daily grind. Hope you enjoy the streams. Stay Safe!
Содержимое панели
Changing as things have changed.
Содержимое панели
Never Required, Always Appreciated. Thank you for your support and help with keeping the dream alive! Donations are non refundable.
Содержимое панели
Welcome to The Resort (Currently under construction)