204 последователи


Database Analyst and Part-time Gamer. I enjoy a whisky and chatting with the D3ztillers whilst playing a variety of games.The D3ztillery is a safe space to come and talk with no judgement. We offer friendship and company as well as a bit of fun. Look out for some party streams!

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Welcome to the D3ztillery! Home of the D3ztillers a friendly chilled out community. We like to hang out, get to know each other, share a drink and maybe become friends. Please drop me a message in chat, would love to hear from you and get to know my viewers. I'm Dez and i'm from Birmingham, England. I work as a Database Analyst and enjoy gaming and streaming as a Hobby. My channel is the D3ztillery, a safe space Thanks for dropping by.
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From the 1st June 2020 any revenue raised from Bits, Subs and Donations made to my Channel will go to the Chester Zoo Charity to help support them getting out of Debt caused by closures associated with COVID-19. Your Subs and Bits are very much appreciated and will really help to support the Animals of Chester Zoo for the foreseeable future.
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Please follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/D3ZPlaysGames) for updates on upcoming videos, Streams and a general catch up on what i'm up to. Would love to here from you.
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Yes, I have a Discord! Using the Discord Image above drop by to Chat, find out more about me and the D3ztillery and link up for some games.