Баннер профиля для dackage_

791 фолловер


Ведет трансляцию Super Mario 64, 1 зритель

I'm a 27 year old from Kentucky, USA. I mostly speedrun Super Mario 64 romhacks.

Содержимое панели
Welcome to the stream! I'm primarily a SM64 and SM64 ROM hack streamer, but I branch out into other games from time to time. Feel free to DM me on twitch or discord if you have any questions about running Super Mario 64 ROM hacks! Me: [Speedrun.com Profile](https://www.speedrun.com/user/Dackage) [Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq1wQbJxFlMZWRgx7KL8Cfw) [Romhacking.com Profile](https://romhacking.com/user/Dackage) Join my [Discord](https://discord.gg/MXxC8FhuCt)
Содержимое панели
Get SM64 ROM hacks: [https://romhacking.com/](https://romhacking.com/) Join the SM64 ROM hacks discord: [https://discord.gg/qH4pBttm8Q](https://discord.gg/qH4pBttm8Q) SM64 ROM hacks speedrunning rules: [https://www.speedrun.com/series/sm64romhacks/forums/3hc4i](https://www.speedrun.com/series/sm64romhacks/forums/3hc4i) Detailed info on the programs and plugins I use: [https://pastebin.com/6p8nxzUg](https://pastebin.com/6p8nxzUg) My plugin downloads: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l8BIika6F0we5b6-k-DBEpjpHUoTq3f3?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l8BIika6F0we5b6-k-DBEpjpHUoTq3f3?usp=sharing)
Содержимое панели
I ended my twitch affiliate. If you would like to support me you can donate! [donate link](https://streamlabs.com/dackage_)