


Father, husband, Chef & musician, outdoorsy & sportsy a nerdy technician. Newborn Twitch streamer, lifelong gamer.

###Supportive Creators **PROUD member and founder of this amazing family. We believe in support for small, new or ANY content creator on Twitch and YouTube. Click the panel to be taken to our Twitter page. Feel free to DM us about joining the family!**
**I'm an official Partner with GawkBox. For more information on this AMAZING service, please go [here]( You can also click the image above to be transported to the GawkBox Discord for a ton more information, help and much more. Seriously. GO! See what this incredible company is all about. It is THE best way to support all your favorite creators for FREE!!**
**Use GawkBox to support the stream for free with Sponsored Tips -- download and complete the offers, and your tips will appear on stream! Please Log In on a mobile device or tablet to access Sponsored Tips.**
**Hey peoples! DaddyBurk here and I'm still fairly new to all this! I sincerely enjoy playing my favorite games while engaging in chat with other nerds of the world! I try to be on as much as possible but I AM a real daddy so of course they come first. My schedule is hit or miss but I'll do my best to stick to the following days and times. Follow my Twitter for updates on when I plan on going live!** ##Monday-Friday (if available) **@ random times, usually in the morning or evening** ##Saturday **@11AM-6PM, depending on availability** ##Sunday **Off unless I feel like a surprise stream** *all days and times subject to my preference and availability *all times are Mountain Standard Time, US
#NO **hating on me or the members of my House, hate speak/gay bashing/political speech/religious talk/sexist remarks in chat!** #NO **spamming emotes!** #NO **backseat, sideseat or ANY seat gaming! I'll usually know what I'm doing but if you have any advice, tips or tricks PLEASE Whisper them to me.** #NO **spam or self promoting unless approved by myself or a mod.** **We're all here to have fun and share a passion for our one true love; GAMING! Any violation of my simple rules will get you timed out. Continuous violations will result in a perma ban.**
**Nobody is EVER required to donate their money to this channel. That's not what this is about. However; If you enjoy the show and WANT to express your appreciation I would absolutely respect that sentiment. All donations will be used for upgrades (capture card, overlays, cameras, keyboard, etc. which you will see my wishlist for if you decide to donate) so that I can make this one of the best channels on Twitch!** ##ALL FUNDS DONATED WILL GO TOWARDS CHANNEL UPGRADES AND ARE NON REFUNDABLE
#Follow/Sub on all pages and channels! [Facebook]( [YouTube]( [Twitter]( [Instagram](
**Come join the Discord chat! I offer Raid, Crucible or any type of help with Destiny 2! Plus it's just fun to chat with other gamer geeks and talk about whatever we want! I'll also let you promote your Twitch, YouTube or anything you'd like to have us check out!**


#Valar morghulis. **This channel uses the currency of Braavos. The Iron Coin. You'll earn 1 for every 6 minutes you hang out. You also must type in chat at least once every 60 minutes. They will be used for various events including game time with Daddy and give aways. You'll also rank up according to the amount you have and the top 4 ranks will earn some amazing prizes! Type !prizes in chat for more information. Ranking system is as follows:** #100 Iron Coins **Slave** # 500 Iron Coins **Squire** #1000 Iron Coins **Sell Sword** #2500 Iron Coins **Knight** #5000 Iron Coins **King's Guard** #7500 **Man of the Night's Watch** #10000 **Khal** #12000 **Hand of the King** #15000 **Lord of the Seven Kingdoms** #20000 **Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the first of her name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea**
**These are the generous humans that have chose to support this growing channel. I will keep track of you beautiful people and post your names. Thank you so much everyone!** **TmL_Chevy became my VERY FIRST donator on Monday August 8th, 2016 I appreciate you bro. You'll have this honor forever!** **Second donation!! MachineXsnake is a beautiful human being and became my TOP donator on August 14, 2016. What a guy!** **Third and fourth donators Royalflushakqj10 and Fallrate1000 on May 1, 2017. You guys are amazing!!** **Final top 5 donator was the amazing BeeCrafty on September 21, 2017! Love ya sis.** ###Lords of Coin for the Iron Bank #1. [MachineXsnake](**~$23.00** #2. [TmL_Chevy](**~$10.00** #3. Royalflushakqj10~$10.00 #4. [Fallrate1000](**~$7.77** #5. [BeeCrafty](**~$5.00**
**The first step of a journey is exciting. The destination seems unreachable at times. When you have a passion and desire for something in life, BOTH are equally precious. I've set goals for followers and have reached on already with YOUR help! I could never express my gratitude and appreciation for those who choose to support this dream of mine. Below you will find the goals I have set for this channel and each person who has helped me achieve them. Special thanks to each of you!** ###100 Followers~[Forc3_Sim]( ###200 Followers~[IKillSafe]( ###300 Followers~[Ohidere]( ###Still on the path to these milestones: ###400 Followers ###500 Followers
**All of the following humans are perfect in every way. Thank you all so much for supporting my hopes and dreams. I love your faces.** #1st OFFICIAL sub [K1_Grizzly]( #1st unofficial sub [supcreators]( #More beautiful House Burk supporters [JayCaulls](http:/ **RoyalFlushAKQJ10** [Beecrafty]( [Sgt_Chaos](
**ALL my graphics you see here (with the exception of the "GawkBox Partner" image and the DaddyBurk avatar) were designed by the one and only [JayCaulls]( who can be reached via DM [here]( Avatar solely created by [Origami_Orange]( whose profile you can find [here]( I urge you to contact either one for ALL your designing needs. Both are incredible as you can see and will NOT disappoint you with their amazing art.**