Profile banner for daeksoul



An easy-going Mancunian lad, great to get along with, and loves to have a laugh. Has a tendency to break out in to various different accents - or a movie announcer - Whatever takes his fancy at the time!

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##About Me Hey there! I'm a just a random Mancunian lad - married to the most wonderful woman in the world - check her out [here]( we're both really easy to get along with. It has been a dream of mine for a long time to stream what I enjoy playing along with having a laugh with friends. I do a lot of random accents and voices/impressions, I'll let you guys be the judges of how good they are. I'd like to establish an amazing community, possibly build a 'channel' comprising of people with the same interests.. maybe even branch out into some form of commentary-related streaming too, or possibly a discussion/talk show or possibly a weekly podcast - ** *Any help, tips or ideas (or if you want to lend a hand by becoming part of it) I would be very, very appreciative of.* ** ##Stream Days At present, streams are sporadic, due to real life (work etc). Most streams will last around 3 hours minimum. ##Contact Feel free to send me PMs via Twitch, I will always respond when I have a chance. I am also available on Twitter - Feel free to follow, I will reply when I can. ##Playlist Queries Most of the time, I'll be listening to Monstercat on Twitch or NCS on Youtube. Awesome music for gaming! Go check them out. My music taste off-stream ranges from Heavy Metal/Rock to JRock and a few catchy tunes I've heard on the radio, or found by chance through Youtube.
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##This stream may contain the above listed *(due to the nature of the games played)* ##If you are offended by these or are not over the stated age, I will not be held liable for any issues you have with it. *(and because I give no fucks ;D)*
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##PC **Motherboard**: Gigabyte GA-Z97-HD3 **Processor**: Intel i7-4790k (Devils Canyon) 4.00GHz *(Not yet overclocked)* **Graphics Card**: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB **RAM**: 16 GB (DDR3) **PSU**: Corsair CX750 ***** ##Peripherals **Mouse**: Razer Naga 2014 **Keyboard**: Logitech K120 **Gaming Pad/Controllers**: Belkin n52te / Xbox 360 Controller **Headset**: Sennheiser GSP 300 (Blue) **Microphone**: Audio Technica AT2020 via a Focusrite Scarlett Solo.
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##Currently Playing; At the moment, I'm playing mostly ARMA3 Multiplayer (Modded and Unmodded with friends) or Rocket League with pugs. I'll play pretty much any game if it interests me, but I'm open to suggestions! :D
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**Thank you in advance if you chose to give a tip to the stream** *(not to me, all tips are used to make the stream for you guys that little bit better!)*, **it means a lot to me to be supported by such an awesome community! :)** **I also have a Wish list set up, for any of you that feel you would like to help out in another way. Either way, I am very grateful for all the support - ask in chat for the link!** ** *All tips will be mentioned on-stream. I'll make a tip 'Hall of Fame' at some point in the future.* ** **PLEASE NOTE**: *Any funds received are not for goods or services, but are monetary tips to help support this stream. I am thankful for your viewer-ship and while I do appreciate if you do decide to tip, it is not required. Before tipping, please consider that your tips are non-refundable.*
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##Top Stream Tips Xtreme: £5.00 & Insurgency (Steam Key)
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##Please Note: This stream is rated M for Mature - You have been warned. :P## **Racism** - You want to be racist? Tough shit. I don't allow it here, so please leave all your racist remarks it at the door or GTFO ;D. Thanks. **Politics** - Political? That's fine.. just please, for the love of all that is holy in the world, keep your views to yourself if you think it's going to offend others. I do not mind it spoken about but anything in relation to UKIP will receive an insta-time out the first time, then a ban any time after that - Yes, that includes even if you leave/come back another day. I will be watching. D: **Religion** - Everyone has a Religion, everyone is entitled to believe in what they wish - Be you a Jedi, Pastafarian or even a follower of the Church of Bacon - *I shit you not. Google it, it's awesome!* - but please; do not think you're the Messiah, some form of God-sent Prophet or start preaching to other people about it. It's not big, clever or appreciated by others *(and you're likely to get booted for causing problems, which me no likey. :'()* I would generally imagine that everyone who is viewing Twitch is over the age of 18, so anyone under the Twitch TOS age limit will be removed from the chat. **English Only** - Please, for the sake of everyone's sanity, keep all chat in English - It'll prevent any problems. :)
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##Fragments [Work in Progress] *--You can check how many Fragments you currently hold, by typing **!fragms** in chat.* *--*
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