darkivan73 için profil afişi

1,7 B takipçi


Hi all, I'm Darkivan73 but you can call me Ivan. I Play a lot of different games. I am a USAF veteran. Join me for some gaming and conversations.

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My twitch channel art was created my myself and by @wolcenmae (mostly @wolcenmae). You can pm him for your Twitch channel design works. For more details click to the picture.
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#THE LARGEST VETERAN-AFFILIATED GAMER COMMUNITY IN THE NATION# [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/mvgcharity) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MVGCharity)| [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/MVGCharity) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/military) * Mission: To create a safe environment for veterans, service members and proud patriots by establishing Esprit De Corps and improving quality of life through Gaming and Mental Health Peer Support Programs. * Vision: To continue bridging the gap of an ever improving first class healing experience for the betterment and welfare of our past and present service members, through an infusion of virtual and everyday life
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This is an 18+ stream. By entering this channel, you have agreed that you are 18 OR older. -No racist, homophobic, trans-phobic, sexist or political talk/comments. -Don’t SPAM chat. Emotes are Ok but watch the CAPS. -Don't be a troll. No one likes that trash maybe. -Ask before posting a link unless it’s a clip of the stream, that is ok. -Mods & I reserve the right to ban/timeout anyone.
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A ... veteran of the U.S. Air Force and of gaming. I am doing this for fun and to connect in some way again. I like playing games slow, taking in as much of the experience in as I can. The first PC game I ever played was on a commodore 64.
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~Don't self promote or say your leaving to watch another streamer, that is my job. ~Don't talk negativity about other streamers or my mods ~Please don't call out lurkers, if they want to chill and support the stream let them be. ~Do not be racist or homophobic. And try not to feed the Trolls.
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Intel core i7-900F 8 core 3.0GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660Ti 6GB 16GB DDR4-2666MHz Memory 240GB Solid State Drive 1TB SATA III Hard Drive
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Subject to change Due to real life issues(IRL First) Mon-Thurs 1500 til whenever
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This was/is a 2019 new years resolution, a video diary to my kid, my family, my friends, my former co-workers, and my gamer community as a whole. Few will understand, but many will listen and watch.This channel is also as well as being was/is my way of talking to the future me. (edited 1/9/2019) "I am working on it" (edited 1/10/2019) carpe diem {edited} 08/12/2020 forward til dawn family first