Profile banner for darklyplays_



I am a typical Australian gamer who streams on rare occasions!


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1. Be nice, we're here to have a fun time 2. No spamming or ruining chat for everyone else That's basically it, as i said we're here to have fun :) 3. DO NOT ADVERTISE WHAT OTHER GH STREAMERS DID IN MY CHAT, I DO NOT CARE FOR IT, YOU WILL BE BANNED FIRST OFFENSE


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I (try) to upload daily on here as that's where most people watch me, but that usually doesn't work out, but don't worry, you can always watch me on Twitch!


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You can follow me if you want to, but I don't use Twitter all that much (which is something im working on)


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It's not needed, but thank you so much DONATIONS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE!