Profile banner for darthgouda



Streaming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed with 4 viewers

De Cheesy Sithy is an ex-builder,chef,soldier, gaming since the 80's. In Cheesesus Crust We Wunderlust for Growth "I maybe a bit abrasive but one can't be polished without some tarnish"#GULFSquad

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Howdy and Welcome to the dark cheese show. I'm known as Darth Gouda; I've been gaming since the 80's and have owned almost all consoles at some point. I like to play all sorts of different styles of games depending on my mood but sports games, some days Iam great others I die a LOT, but my deaths tend to be good lessons if not funny.


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18+ ONLY NO FLASHING/PULSING Emotes NO BULLYING No Hate No Links No Spamming DON'T just ASK to Join a game, get to know the Cheese Clan a bit before asking to play with. YOU WILL ONLY GET 1 WARNING

Tip De Cheese

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If you feel like supporting Your Cheesy Sithy and MY antics directly please click the FUR babies. ALL donations are HIGHLY appreciated and go to subscriptions and stream upgrading/upkeep. THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING Much Groovy Cheesy Love to Ya's

Sound Alerts

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Wanna catch me off guard or just add a funny moment with sound click the link and spend those cheese points and bits for some pretty cool sound alerts
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all artwork done by myself DarthGouda with Canva and Paint3D