
DatMustache streams Borderlands 3.

About Me

Panel Content
33 year-old shit streamer from Edmonton, AB named Troy. I work in Construction, watch NFL/NHL, watch way too many movies and TV shows, and also read a shit-ton.

Chat Rules

* No politics * No religion * Don't be a dick

Games Played

* Darksiders * Darksiders 2 * Fallout 3 * Fallout: New Vegas * The Witcher * The Witcher 2 * The Witcher 3

PC Specs

* Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Mechanical Gaming Keyboard * Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum Optical Gaming Mouse * HyperX Cloud II Gaming Headset * AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Eight-Core Processor * 16GB DDR4 RAM * MSI X370 Gaming Pro Carbon Motherboard * GeForce GTX 1080Ti * 500GB SSD * 3TB HD

Games Upcoming

* Dark Souls * Dark Souls 2 * Dark Souls 3 * Saints Row 2 * Saints Row 3 * Saints Row 4 * Fire Emblem Series * Warsong Series * Golden Sun Series * Chrono Trigger

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[Don't tip me](https://streamlabs.com/datmustache) No seriously, don't.