davence 的个人资料横幅

1,310 位关注者


Cosplay engineer with a deep love for gaming as well

Stream hours

In case you good folks were wondering my streaming times are as follows Varied, but mostly in the afternoons. 2x a week may also do a random stream here and there during the day depending on my work schedule :)

If you are a fan of cosplay check out some of my work then!

Yes i do take commissions! You can send me a msg via twitch or contact me at my facebook page.

Newest personal project

Working on War from the game Darksiders!!

Tip jar

Any Donations you good folks care to send my way will be put towards bettering my stream. Although it is never required it is always appreciated ty much!

Pc specs

Memory: 16384MB DDR RAM Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080


1. Respect Me, my mods, my channel and the other viewers, a lilttle respsect goes a long way and keeps the banhammer away from you. 2. Ask to post a link. 3. feel free to chat a quiet channel is a boring channel. 4. Sit back and have fun!

H.A.C. book now for sale!

Have a itch to dive into the world of cosplay, no idea where to start? or are you already well versed in the world of cosplay and want to kick your skills up a notch? Then definitley pick up my book you have 2 options an pdf version for 10 dollars. The book is 56 pages and full color, it walks you thru how to build a full set of epic cosplay armor from pattern making to priming the suit! Send me a twitch msg if you would like one.

Social media

https://www.instagram.com/fantasy_armors_by_davence/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fantasy-Armor-by-Davence/243736072377764 https://twitter.com/davence?lang=en