


Welcome! I'm Divey - pronounced either dive-e, or divvy (I have no preference). I'm from Ohio and used to be a Halo semi-pro, formerly known as BANE or Uhh Bane.

Welcome! I'm Divey - pronounced either dive-e, or divvy (I have no preference). I'm from Ohio and used to be a Halo semi-pro, formerly known as BANE or Uhh Bane. I missed the drive of competitive gaming, and I figured I could bring you all along on the journey! (I'll probably play other stuff, too).
NET (Not Even Trying) was created to offer the senses of camaraderie, community, unity and fraternity to those beyond our small circle. We wanted to reach out and create something beautiful - a **NET**work of gamers of all views, beliefs, shapes and sizes. A haven for people to find new friends, play new games and just overall expand their horizons. We seek to encompass gamers of all genres and play-styles. Whether your intent be casual or competitive, we welcome you with open arms!
1. We *always* win these. 2. Don't be discriminatory in any fashion. 3. Be respectful.
As expected, donations are not mandatory and I do appreciate each one. I can guarantee that the money donated will be dedicated to something that benefits the stream like games, equipment, software, etc.