Profile banner for de_mongo



Cattle die, kinsmen die, all men are mortal. Words of praise will never perish nor a noble name. The Havamal; Book of Viking Wisdom To me this means "if you say good things and do good things you will be remembered".

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I am a long-time gamer; my first PC game was X-com UFO Defense. I like to play MMORPG’s as a support class and when I am not playing MMO- kind of games, I like strategy-based games. I love gaming but have so many things on my plate right now. I have a full-time job that has me traveling a lot. I am starting a brewing company with a taphouse. I have a small farm raising bees, chickens, goats and growing all kinds of crops. I also support my wife with her two business that she started. Oh, did I mention I am going back to school for my third degree. To unwind, I really need a good game. My list of games is so vast I cannot remember them all, but here goes. D&D the Dark Sun; XCOM, Red Alert; Dune; Shadowbane; Aion; ESO; Asheron’s Call; WoW...sooo many others. I also play Warframe; PoE; Deep Rock Galactic; EVE; No Mans Sky. Right now, I am trying to play free games that are good and not a money trap. I am the rare Star Wars and Star Trek fan. I also like Babylon 5; FarScape; and Stargate SG-1 (Who does not like Sci-Fi MacGyver). I also DM 2 D&D games, one being an all-Bard party (not as easy as you would think). All in all, I just like to talk to people and have a good time.
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RESPECT, it goes ALL.... ways, up, down, left and right!!! Sometimes sideways, but we all cannot walk the straight and narrow. Keep it any which way but loose. Be Good, not Bad or Ugly. If your going over HeartBreak Ridge, bring Kelly's Heroes with you. Also, don't violate the [Twitch Community Guidelines](
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I am Mongo I in live in Alabama when I am not on the road. Nothing to hardcore, PoE Sundays 6 CST(USA). Valheim with the wife Wednesdays 6 CST (USA). SoT with ThirdStringGamer 8ish CST(USA). Thanks for stopping by!
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All tips and Subs go to my wife that I love with all my heart. She has two business that she started on her own and I will support her always. All tips and subs will go to her. [ Supporting Women Owned Business](