Profile banner for deadhouse8



cool kid btw

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Welcome!!!! To our stream, I hope you choose to stay and chat and build relationships with me and everyone who is hanging out with us. I enjoy to stream more then one game but stick to FPS. I play Xbox One And PC, I enjoy to have music playing and hyped up streams for lots of fun and entertainment. I hope you enjoy your stay and choose to come back another day.
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Donating sure helps out the stream a lot and is very much appreciated but no means is it mandatory.
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Hello, I am a 18 year old student in high school. I enjoy to stream and hangout with everyone who comes to the stream. I love to interact and play in games with followers. I try my hardest to include everyone and not miss a single person. If theres more you want to ask just ask me on stream and I would be glad to help!
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If you are interested in anything business related for example sponsors or wanting me to try out a product or promote a product, send me an email at