Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho deafgirl_gaming

11,8 N người theo dõi


I am a gamer, who has progressive hearing loss since birth. I can talk fairly normal, but at this stage I have lost around 90% of my hearing. I use special programs and headset to allow me to hear certain sounds within the game.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
1. Are you actually deaf? Short answer is yes. Long answer is, I have about 2 % hearing, sometimes a little more, sometimes less. 2. Were you born this way? Yes, I was born with an illness that destroyed my ears, eardums, and the bone surrounding my ears 3. If you are deaf, how do you play games? I use a program called breakaway audio, which gives me some sound ability, kind of like having a built in hearing aid. I also use vibration capable headsets to pick up more sounds I cannot hear. 4. How can you talk so well? Although I was born with this disease, it was a slow progression, so I was able to learn to speak and interact with people until I lost most of my hearing. 5. Isn't what you have called hearing impairment, not being deaf? Legally, once you have reached a certain point of hearing loss, you are considered deaf by medical terms. 6. What program and headset do you use? [Headset]( [Program](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Donations are never required, expected or asked for. I may joke around about it, but they are just jokes, please never feel I demand money. I just enjoy entertaining you all!


Nội dung bảng điều khiển