delphinusairways 프로필 배너

팔로워 44명


DelphinusAirways님이 워 썬더 및 비트세이버 방송 중


패널 콘텐츠
+ SPAMMING BAD DON'T DO THAT + If you request a song don't yell at me to play it, it's in queue more than likely and there are only 2 slots per viewer so I'll GET TO IT EVENTUALLY DAMMIT. + Don't reveal personal info or ask it of anyone (including me) like, why would you do that? That's a dangerous game you're playing there bud. + English only would be preferred, as I do not speak any other languages and will have no damn clue as to what you're saying lol + Have fun and don't be an ass. K thx :D + [How To Request Beat Saber Maps](

Click DelpenisAirways to go to absolutely nowhere!

패널 콘텐츠
**Links! To Things!** [YouTube]( [Twitter]( [Merch]( [Merch2]( [How To Request Beat Saber Maps](

Games Often Played!

+ Beat Saber + War Thunder + Rainbow Six Siege + Rocket League + Any number of other random things.

PC Specs

Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-9700F CPU @ 3.00GHz Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER Memory: 16GB DDR4 Ram VR Headset: Rift S Microphone: FIFINE T683 Condenser Mic