Profile banner for dem_zombies_nation



Hey I'm Zombie. I will be on here a few hours on the weekend just to chill relax and think of something else besides work and school. So thanks for stopping in and I hope you enjoy.

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You can call me Zombie. I have recently started streaming and have been enjoying every minute of it. I stream from my XBox and PS4 but am working on building a PC for better streaming tools and more games. I am wanting to build a community around people fighting mental illness with gaming. Check out the panel You Are Not Alone for more information.
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I struggle with PTSD and suicide thoughts daily. With gaming I have overcome a lot of these problems and with streaming I have pushed myself more. I have come a long way in my battle with mental illness and will continue to strive. I want to build a community for a safe place where people can break out of that loner shell, openly talk about your issues, and learn tools to battle your demons.
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The link above will take you to the TIP page. Let me first start by saying you do not have to. If you are even thinking about it you are amazing. 25% of all donations received go to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The rest go towards games or making my stream better.
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Respect Each Other! No racism, sexism, anythingism No heavy curse words in every chat you send. Don't be a dick.
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Is a work in progress. I am focusing on building Twitch at the moment, but will love for the sub to watch me grow.
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Come check me out on twitter to find out more news, updates, and meet some great streamers I shout out.