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팔로워 219명


시청자 1명P의 거짓 방송 중

Comfy variety gaming and hanging out. Feel free to tune in and drift to sleep.

패널 콘텐츠
We have a virtual stream pet (not to be confused with my real pet) you can interact with using the *!pet* command.
패널 콘텐츠
Be kind and comfy. Emotes are encouraged and this channel uses both BTTV and FFZ for even more emote fun.
패널 콘텐츠
# Pancake Game (!pancake) # How many pancakes can we stack? **Rules**: 1. Anyone can add a pancake to the stack as long as they were not the last person to do so. 2. Once a pancake has been added, there is a 5 minute cool down. 3. Stack resets each stream. # Gamble (!gamble) # Fake gambling for meaningless points. **Rules**: 1. If you have 0 points, you will receive 100. 2. You can gamble any number of points you have or all of them. Eg: *!gamble 10* or *!gamble all* # Rock Paper Scissors # Play rock, paper, scissors against the bot. It does not cheat, I swear. Eg: *!rps rock* # 8Ball # Ask the magic 8 ball a question with !8ball. # Roulette # Play a round of roulette by betting on a variety of possibilities including: 0-36, black, red, high, low, even, odd, topline, street, column, and dozen. Eg. *!roulette 14*, *!roulette red*, *!roulette dozen 1*, *!roulette street 4* # Slots # Use *!slots* to try to get 3 of the same emote. If you do, you win! # Trivia # Use *!trivia* to get a question and *!trivia answer* to get the answer.
패널 콘텐츠
# Roll Dice # Roll some dice using dice notation. Eg. *!roll 1d20*, *!roll 1d10 1d%*, *!roll 2d4 3d5 6d7* # Quotes # Relive a funny quote with *!quote*. ## Adding a Quote ## Hear something funny? Add it as a quote! Eg. *!addquote "quote" @user* # Queuing # If there is an open queue, you can use *!join* to join the queue or *!leave* to leave it. # Raffle # If a raffle is ongoing, use *!enter* to enter the raffle or *!exit* to exit it.
패널 콘텐츠
*!aboutbot* - Bot info. *!ban* - Attempt to ban someone. You won't. *!boop* - Boop another user with *!boop @user* *!build* - Computer info. *!lurk* / *!unlurk* - Let chat know if you're lurking or not. *!followage* - See how long you have been following?