Banner del profilo di diabo_malandro

121 follower


Someone who lurks in the darkness! :p


Usually Fridays and Saturdays I may stream at other days, at similar time, but it's not as likely.


Q: Can you build/draw a donger/boobs/(odd body parts)? A: If I did, it would probably be slammed with a HUGE ban hammer by twitch or the company that runs the game I'm playing, and it would probably really hurt. Q: Can you show boobs? A: Nope. Q: Can you show feet? A: your dreams. Q: Can you show us amazing and skilful plays/strategies/builds? A: Boy, you came to the wrong channel. Q: you have so many troll builds and strats, are you planning on building serious ones? A: Yes, that was my initial plan, this video explains it better: Q: I noticed you have a Team Speak server full with amazing icons, where can I get them? (nobody really asks that) A: You can find them at , it's a page I published and you can get them for free. I'd apreciate if you visited it with adblock disabled, but it's up to you. Q: What's what your playlist? A: You can find it here: Q: Why do you troll so much? A: Because I can. Q: Now seriously, what's your playlist? A: I use 2 main playlists, and , usually in random but I also listen to whatever I happen to click and just go with it. Q: Your playlists suck! A: That's not a question. Often I add stuff to the playlist and don't remember why afterwards. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯