Banner del profilo di diamond728

67 follower


diamond728 esegue lo streaming di Pokémon Emerald Version e 7 Days to Die.

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Click the banner to join my discord, so you can always know when I'm streaming
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Play nice, we all have our own problems to deal with without making more for eachother. Discriminating against anyone because of their skin colour, religion, sexuality, or any other means will not be tolerated. Gaming is supposed to be fun, so let's all try to make this a fun environment in which we can enjoy the game. Don't be shy, it's easy to make new friends around here :)
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I don't have a strict set schedule, however expect to see me around at around 6:30pm GMT Saturdays: 7 Days To Die Mega Stream
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Donations are entirely unnecessary, but greatly appreciated <3
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Profile Icon and sub badges made by the wonderful ChromaCarina link in image above