Profile banner for diapsalma



Hi im Paul, aka Diapsalma from Sweden. I'm a veteran gamer and have been playing mostly strategy games since C64. I play mostly Hearthstone, LOTRO and classic games like Settlers. I started streaming as a way to overcome my depression and panic disorder.

About me.

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Hi im Paul aka Diapsalma. Im a 49 year young gamer veteran. Been playing since c64 days! Nowdays i mostly play Hearthstone and LOTRO but also strategy games like Civ and Settlers and old classics like FrontierII and Pirates. I started streaming as a remedy for my depression and panic-disorder that i have been suffering from for years.


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Tips are most welcome but never required! This is presently my main source of income due to unforeseen circumstances so any contributions will greatly help both me and the channel to go on <3 For Swedish viewers my swish is:0768362537