


Mix it to the next level

My Streaming Gears

Logitech Streamcam Logitech C922 Neewer Overhead Tripod Pergear Ballhead Custom PC Macbook Air 2013

Music Sources

Own edits BPM Supreme Heavy Hits O2 Music Amazon Music Soundcloud Tidal

Softwares that I use for my performances

OBS Engine Prime Rekordbox Serato DJ Lite Ableton Live 10

Welcome to my channel!

My name is DJ Mützang, not Mustang or Muztang. It's Müt and Zang or you can call me Amdha. I'm a n00b DJ from Indonesia who currently in Germany. So pardon my English, because I speak Indonesian, German (Deutsch), broken English and a bit of traditional languages in Indonesia. Denon DJ Prime setup is my choice for most of my gigs and streams, but sometimes I also use my turntable with DVS and real vinyl. Also with small dj controllers, who knows So yeah, enjoy the streams if I do livestreams. Be nice with each other and stay safe guys!

My DJ Gears

Denon DJ SC5000M Denon DJ LC6000 Denon DJ X1800 IK Multimedia Uno Drum Reloop RP-8000 Reloop RP-4000 MKII Pioneer DJ DDJ-SB Hercules DJ DJ-Starlight Mackie MP-120 Behringer B115D t.bone MB 45 II Microfone Pioneer DJ Interface 2 Sandisk SD-Card 64GB Sandisk Flashdisk 64GB Generic laptop stand for Uno Drum and many cables