Profile banner for dmpeyer



Streaming Genshin Impact with 7 viewers

DMPeyer(D-Empire) is a long time broadcaster, event worker, and charity fundraising member of the Twitch community. Bouncing between RPG titles, music and rhythm titles, and multiplayer titles. Prepare for bad jokes and puns too!

Setup info!

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Profile picture by Computer: Built by Seattle Built PCs Processor: Intel i7-12700K 32GB DDR4, 3600MHz EVGA 3070 8GB GPU Avermedia Live Gamer HD 2 PS2 HDMI Adapter:


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1) Respect everyone. Me, the mods, and your fellow viewers. 2) No derogatory comments. I don't want to see anything insulting a certain race/sex/sexuality/etc in my chat. Prepare for at least a time out if you do. 3) I only mod people I know I can trust. Don't ask for mod. If I know you, and we're friends, you'll probably have mod immediately after I see you in chat. 4) Don't call lurkers out in my stream. If someone wants to just chill and watch, then let them do that please <3 5) PLEASE. DO NOT. BACK SEAT GAME. I understand if you want to help, but most of the time I do want to figure things out for myself when I'm trying new things, playing new games, or attempting different challenges. IF I ask for help, or say that it's okay to help me (previous people that have helped are allowed to continue helping obviously) feel free! My title will say when I am okay with getting help! 6) LAST RULE AND MOST IMPORTANT: Have a good time here ^_^ we're playing video games. If you're just going to be rude about something, I'll just ask you to leave :)


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Twitter is one of the best ways to get in touch with me! The other best way is my personal email,


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If you are interested in subscribing, the image with the emotes will take you there as well as the !sub command in chat! Thank you for wanting to support me further! <3

The 5th Dimension Stream Team!

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The team for the hype! Very proud and excited to be a member of the 5th Dimension stream team on Twitch! Click the panel link and check out everyone else who is a part of this great group :)

Keys to Hearts Stream Team!

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Very proud and excited to be a member of the Keys to Hearts Stream Team on Twitch! There's a ton of awesome people on the team, link on the image to be taken to the page with everyone that's live!