Záhlaví kanálu dndjordanlea

1,4 tis. sledujících


Welcome to the Haven! My name is @DNDJordanLea (She/They). Variety + Charity Content Creator here! I'm a LGBTQIA+ Chronically ill gamer, TTRPG player, creator & DM & producer. We are a wolf pack that loves chaos & cozy vibes.

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DNDJordanLea is a Demi Bi, chronically ill, nerd, gamer, writer, TTRPG & Dungeons and Dragons content creator, and Twitch streamer. While she can mainly be found playing Baldur's Gate 3, she does love to play a variety of other games as well. She has a goal with her Haven wolf pack to do a variety of charitystreams throughout the year to try and make a difference in the world. She also wants to make sure there is a safe space, hence, her community is known as the Haven Wolf Pack. Come hangout and welcome to the Haven!
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1. Be kind to everyone, that includes yourself. 2. No hate speech or ableist language. Zero tolerance for it. 3. No spamming or self promoting unless advised that it’s ok. 4. Respect my mods. 5. Respect Privacy. DNDJordanLea prefers to keep their Online and Offline lives separated. She is happy to discuss gaming, streams, and other such topics, but would rather not talk about her private life. Please respect those boundaries! 6. No spoilers or backseat gaming unless asked. 7. Be good to others and have a good time.
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Ampistrano or AmpistranoDND is an all Neurospicy MAINLY Ace DND 5e Homebrew campaign that airs on Saturdays at 3 PM ET/ 12 PM PT. Journey Beyond the Veil with us! [DNDJordanLea](https://twitter.com/DNDJordanLea) (She/They) is the **Storyteller & Producer**. [Pherbear](https://twitter.com/pherbear) (She/Her) plays **Diadora Shadesun** (She/Her) the Shiftweave Fighter w/Blink Dog Sparky. [April Raygun](https://twitter.com/AprilRaygun)(She/They) plays our Monkin Moon Fairy **Oria** (She/Her). [Synxiec](https://twitter.com/synxiecbeta) (He/They) is our Arcane Trickster Rogue Automaton **Blackstone**. (They/He). [Robogoblin/TTRPGifs](https://twitter.com/TTRPGifs) (Any/All) plays **Tobi Monteazul** (He/Him/Él) our Wildfire Druid along with their Owlbear companion. [Dimples](https://twitter.com/dimplesndice) (He/Him) is **Captain Draven Tideborne** the Triton Captain - Dragon Banner & Kribble. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/AmpistranoDND) [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@ampistranodnd) [Tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@ampistranodnd) [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/ampistranodnd)
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Overlays for Gaming, Umbral Tendrils and AmpistranoDND are done by: **DNDJordanLea** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DNDJordanLea) Ampistrano Logo created by: **Ambrose** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ssambrose_) Umbral Tendrils Intermission Screens created by **Ambrose** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ssambrose_) Emotes created by: **LittleLunalis** [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleLunalis?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1572667190&from_page=listing) **MinaMoonArt**[Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1544354908/baldurs-gate-astarion-twitch-emotes-bg-3?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=astarion+emotes+twitch&ref=sr_gallery-1-45&sts=1&dd=1&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1) Ampistrano Character Art was created by **Lynn** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Gremlynnart) Ampistrano Opening Credits Created by **Wes** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ThirstTrapMoth)
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Throne is a safe private wishlist that protects both those who wish to send gifts and the recipient themselves! Follow the link to find my wishlist!
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Want to surprise DNDJordanLea and Salem? Here are a few items that they have their eyes on. <3