Profile banner for doctorwub



Let me do me. Hope you enjoy!!! ~(-_- ~) (^-_-^) (~ -_-)~

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1.) Be awesome to each other! We're all here to chill 2.) Keep your criticism constructive and healthy 3.) Be helpful 4.) No self promotion 5.) No backseat gaming 6.) Be yourself and have fun! Want to request a song? Check out the [song list]( first!
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Well if you are crazy enough to follow, then I would think you deserve to know a little bit more about me. Like a lot of people out there, I am a college student with a part time job that is trying make ends meet. Currently I am looking for another as well. Sometimes my schedule is erratic. I am swamped with so much as it is in my life, its kind of illogical to try and fit in a steady streaming schedule, but so what! I love doing it! [Discord]( *To wrap this up:* Keep in mind, I am in PST. When given the chance, I sometimes host unscheduled streams on Thursdays and Fridays as well. Enough about me though, I hope you enjoy!! :D Officially Retired. Thank you all
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Click here to stay tuned for my announcements about upcoming streams, news, memes, and Awesome clips you guys capture!!!! Feel free to reach out and ask me some questions as well!!
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Whoa seriously?! Thank you!!! :D Just click above to help me out! The donations will go toward future content and equipment! Such as a VR set, and possibly building a second computer to stream through. I believe it's only fair that your generosity goes toward something that both you and I can share, such as these streams :) Also I am a [Humble Partner]( , need any good games for a good price, and you want to help a charity in need? I highly recommend Humble Bundle! A cut of the proceeds will go to the charity I want to support, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.