Profile banner for dokuro_deluxe



part-time weirdo / freelancing illustrator

About me:

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Self-taught artist...Just recently started doing art digitally... Wat I draw? Let's see,anime,tiddies and anime tiddies....

Q n A

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Q- what am I? A- a banana peel! Q- what do I like? A - a banana peel!! Q- Favourite Food!? A- Sardine bun...Am addicted to sardine bun...


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Appreciate all the tips thank you guys! Please don't feel obligated to donate.. I appreciate it but if you are in financial trouble please prioritize yourself. Note that Donations don't give ye sketch points but it's the best way to support the channel as it grows!~


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Check out the Speedpaints on the Tube!!

Mai Social Accounts!

[twitter]( [pixiv]( [deviantart](

Dokuro's Patreon

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Yea I dump "THAT" kind of stuff on my patreon so feel free to check em out!


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Never miss a stream! And meet up with new artist friends on my Art Server!!


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I stream when I can...