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Streamer DOOM med 52 seere

Playing random Doom Speedrun Demos. Demos are player recorded inputs and can be recent or even over 25 years old.

Doom Speed Demos

Playing random demos from Doom Speed Demo Archive (DSDArchive). DSDArchive hosts 99431 demos, by 1183 players, for 4547 wads, with a total time of 7115:52:06. Channel will run 24/7. If the channel is down then most likely so is my internet, it should restart once connection is restored. In some cases it could be a power outage or BSOD. If the stream is down for a longer period of time it's because I am not available to fix it and it will be fixed whenever I have the possibility to do so. Channel has been live since 1st of September 2019. Source port used: DSDA-Doom. Text in top left corner displays information of the demo being played. Thanks to anyone subscribing or giving bits while I'm not here, it will go towards energy costs (that is electricity for the PC and pizza for me). Enjoy the awful emotes I made in paint as well.


How to play doom/record demos: [DSDA-Doom Guide](https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/116534-dsda-doom-guide-usage-recording-demos-and-some-extra-info/) Doom Speed Demo Archive: [DSDArchive](https://dsdarchive.com/) DSDA-Doom source port: [Download page](https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141111-dsda-doom-v0275-2023-12-03/) WADs (player created levels): [idgames](https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/) YouTube: [Doom Speed Demo Archive](https://www.youtube.com/c/DooMedSpeedDemosArchiveOnYouTube) Misc info and doom speedrunning rules: [DSDArchive info](https://www.dsdarchive.com/intro) Other: [Doomworld](https://doomworld.com/) [Stream Statistics](https://twitchtracker.com/doomspeeddemos/statistics)


Chat is usually rather inactive, so feel free to write whatever you want. If you have questions and nobody answers then just try again later. Some words or combinations of words have been banned to prevent the usual bot spam, including the following: follow, views, your channel, your stream, get bits, tired of ad, promo, viewers

Misc info

- Every 48 hours the stream goes down for a few seconds and restarts automatically. - Intermission screen for individual levels have been nearly removed, in total 50 hours of it, so that the next demo appears more quickly.


UV-Speed: Exit level. UV-Max: Exit level while killing all monsters and getting all secrets. NM-Speed: Exit level on nightmare difficulty. NM100s: Exit level while getting all secrets on nightmare difficulty. UV-Fast: Exit level while killing all monsters and getting all secrets using -fast parameter UV-Respawn: Exit level with at least 100% kills and getting all secrets using -respawn parameter UV-Pacifist: Exit level without harming a monster. UV-Tyson: Exit level while killing all monsters using fists, chainsaw and pistol only. No Monsters: Exit level using -nomonsters parameter. Stroller: Pacifist with walk only and no strafing. Where UV = Ultra-Violence difficulty, NM = Nightmare! difficulty Parameters: TAS = Tool-Assisted Speedrun 2,3,4-Player Coop = Multiplayer Heretic and Hexen are also included, the categories are similar with different names: SM/Sk4 = UV difficulty BP = NM without respawn NM = BP with respawn Where SM = Smite-Meister, Sk4 = Skill 4, BP = Black Plague

Demo selection restrictions.

- Only records are chosen. TAS and co-op demos have separate tables, but TAS must be faster than non-TAS. Time restrictions: - Some players (old, slow and inactive) are restricted to demos under 4 minutes. - Most players are restricted to under 40 minutes, while some have no restrictions. - Tyson, Pacifist and No Monsters demos are restricted to shorter demos. Frequency: - A demo can appear again after 15000 demos have been played. - Same player or wad can also not appear immediately.