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Streaming di Dota 2 con 126 spettatori

Witness best ranked Dota 2 games live 24/7. The stream is fully automated and controlled by chat commands. Check stream description for more info.

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#About us **DotaTV 24/7** is a new approach to watching Dota 2 games. While the main idea is to provide a non-stopping stream of live games, this is not just a match observer. We bring you the most popular live matches along with an ability to interact with the stream content via chat commands. *DISCLAIMER: DotaTV247 is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Valve Corporation. Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.* #Main features * Non-stopping observing of live ranked matches with the most popular players. * Popular players in the current match are highlighted in the stream title and chat * “Player Perspective” mode is used when only one highlighted player is in the match, otherwise it is “Directed Player Perspective”. * Game Stats show lasthits during first 10 mins of the match and then switch to networth. * Chat commands allow you to toggle networth, lasthits, gold+exp graph, etc. #More details: [**EN**]( / [**RU**](
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*You can use comma (,) symbol instead of exclamation mark (!) for any command* **Game Stats commands (10 sec cd):** *Toggles information in the top-left corner* >**!networth**, **!nw** - Net worth **!lasthits**, **!lh**, **!cs** - Last hits / Denies **!kda** - Kills / Deaths / Assists **!level**, **!lvl** - Hero levels **!gold** - Current gold **!goldperminute**, **!gpm** - Gold per minute **!buyback**, **!bb** - Buyback status **Game Stats Notable Players commands (10 sec cd):** *Turns Game Stats Notable Players' names on / off* >**!npon** - Notable Players on (default) **!npoff** - Notable Players off **Panels commands (10 sec duration, 3 min cd):** *Displays specific graph/panel on the screen* >**!gnetworth**, **!gnw** - Difference in team net worth **!gxp** - Difference in team XP earned **!items** - All players items **!fightrecap**, **!recap** - Fight recap **!events** - Recent events (kills, runes, chat, etc.) **Follow commands (30 sec cd):** *Controls camera locking to specific player* >**!follow**, **!f** - Follows player by slot/hero/name-part   *!f 1, !f 10, !f bane, !f qop, !f dendi, !f mirac* **!aifollow**, **!aif**, **!unfollow**, **!unf** - AI follow mode¹ **Perspective commands (30 sec cd):** *Turns Player Perspective on / off* >**!ppon** - Player Perspective on (default)   *shows player actions but hides enemy vision* **!ppoff** - Player Perspective off   *shows all map but hides player actions* **Chat bot commands:** *Provides additional info and controls* >**!mmr**, **!mode** - Game mode and avg. mmr (30 sec cd) **!np** - Popular players and their heroes (20 sec cd) **!players**, **!ps** - Players, heroes and kda (1 min cd) **!ranks**, **!medals** - Players' ranks and medals (1 min cd) **!playeritems 1**, **!pi 1**, **!pi1** - Player items (20 sec cd) **!top5**, **!t5**, **!top**, **!games** - Top 5 live games (1 min cd) **!info 1**, **!info1**, **!i1** - Short info on game #1 (20 sec cd) **!vote1**, **!v1**, **!vote 1**, **!v 1** - Votes for game #1 in the poll **!leave**, **!end** - Vote for leaving current match² **!stay** - Vote against leaving current match² **!prefs** - Current stay/leave user preferences³ **!caster** - Current caster's name *¹ Dota2's Directed player perspective mode* *² Vote lasts for the duration of the match. Those who voted for current match during match selection are stay-ers by default* *³ Stay format: stayers. Leave format: leavers / total_leavers_required*
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* **2X** Vote value on all commands * Subscriber only chat commands * Immunity to global command cooldowns * Unique chat appearance icon * Special Twitch emotes (more coming soon) *Top10 bits cheerers also get listed perks (except for special twitch emotes and unique chat appearance icon)* **Special commands:** *Can only be executed by subscribers and top10 cheerers* >**!upcoming**, **!soon** - Upcoming games (1 min cd)   *Shows new matches that will soon appear in top5* >**!recent**, **!last** - Recent games¹ (1 min cd) * *!recent, !last* - Recent *streamed* games * *!recent dendi* - Recent *streamed* player games * *!recentpub dendi* - Recent player pub games * *!recentpro dendi* - Recent player pro games * *!recentany dendi* - Any recent player games >**!getvod**, **!vod** - Link to VOD² by match id (40 sec cd)   *!getvod 5568137658* *¹ Format: match_id player1(won/lost), player2(won/lost)...* *² Link to VOD contains exact timestamp of the match* **VIP commands:** *For subscribers, top10 cheerers and VIPs* >**!viporder**, **!vip** - "Order" something at our "bar" * *!vip drink, !vip dessert, !vip drink wine, !vip wine* * *!vip @username drink beer, !vip @username cookies* * *!vip tea with pie, !vip tea&pie, !vip drink+dessert*    > Drinks on the menu:   *cocktail, tropicalcocktail, wine, beer, tea, coffee* Desserts on the menu:   *icecream, softicecream, cake, pie, waffle, cookies, chocolate, chocobear, fruits*
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**Q:** How does it work in details? **A:** Please read this guide [**EN**]( / [**RU**]( **Q:** What's the streaming schedule? **A:** Stream is online 24/7, except for brief random maintenance moments. **Q:** Is it possible to watch dota e-sports events with casters on this channel? **A:** Only if this is allowed. For now we stream BattleCup, Majors and TI matches, but without casters to avoid any troubles with copyrights. **Q:** Text chat commands look like they could be easily exploited, are you ready for that? **A:** We've added several features that should address this, like command cooldowns and vote-based commands. We keep on adding new stuff based on our observations to ensure that users do not suffer from exploits. **Q:** Why do you not respond to chat? **A:** We are not usually in the chat, the chatbot is. We do check it randomly and reply/whisper to questions. **Q:** Would you implement more features in the future? **A:** Yes, we are constantly updating our features list.
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*Please note that there will be no alert on the screen when you make a donation* [**• Streamlabs (Paypal, Skrill, QIWI, Webmoney, etc.)**]( [**• DonationAlerts (Webmoney, QIWI, Yandex Money)**]( **Top donators:** **alyrzaev** - $100 **noirRLC** - $70 **Nighthunter** - $30 **Raccok** - $29.5 **Loafbone** - $20 **Xgod322** - $20 **Betim_b** - $20 **Interstllr** - $20 **Sasa** - $10.3 **WeAreSneak** - $10 **Sinsai** - $6 **KaiUlrich** - $5 **Tsunamishadow** - $5 **jauhar** - $5 **mura** - $1.55 **ее** - $1.21 **r3ndr0c** - $1 **KeiKoffer** - $1 **MiracLULfangEEy_** - $1 **English is my LIFE** - $1 **Kiselya** - $0.2
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You can reach us anytime at **** Feel free to whisper us any feedback and questions on twitch or just send us an email.