Баннер профиля для doubledime

1,9 тыс. фолловеров


Professional Brawlhalla player, Competitive Hearthstone player, really bad bio writer.

Содержимое панели
Just wanna stream my practice and game play, help people learn some stuff and interact with you guys while I do it. Any and all follows, donations and support is appreciated! Schedule that I'm hoping to stick too(work can run late though): Currently working on a new schedule GAMING/STREAMING RIG: - i7-7700 - RTX 3060 ASUS Tuf - 16 GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 RAM - Z170 MOBO - 1TB HDD WD - 256GB Sandisk SSD
Содержимое панели
Donations are not required, but any and all are appreciated!
Содержимое панели
If you like what you've seen please hit the follow button on here and twitter, Your followers are appreciated, I do random give aways for you guys for the support. Thank you again.