Profile banner for doughnutsnglitter



Hey my name is Misti. I’m still kinda new to gaming but I enjoy playing just about everything. Welcome to my stream. Come and enjoy some laid back fun.


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If you are liking what you see, find something funny, free to hit that donate button. All donations go towards me making my content better. Do not ever feel like you need to donate but as always all donations are appreciated.


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Monday - Friday: Times vary as I am a full time mommy. But I should be on around 12pm Eastern standard time most days. Then around 6pm Eastern stand time until I just cant hang lol. Saturday and Sunday: whenever my daughter decides to wake me up lol

About Me

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A little about me. My name is Misti but feel free to call me doughnuts. I'm a down to earth southnern girl who has fallen in love with the world of video games. I am a variety gamer I don't have a specific gamer genre. I have the mouth of a sailor but a heart of gold. Most recent games are FAR CRY 5