Profile banner for dragonzsamurai



Beginner Streamer having fun and trying to keep everyone smiling :-)

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Howdo All!!! Welcome to the channel Names Nathan ( Aka DragonzSamurai, DragonSandwich or simply DS ) and i am a full time variety streamer. For as long as i can remember i have always loved gaming, i mostly enjoy games having an awesome story which i can really get into although multiplayer is a must for the viewers. The fact i can come to somewhere like Twitch to game and have some viewer interaction at the same time is absolutely amazing!!! If anyone has anymore questions or wants to know more about me feel free to ask. Thanks for reading and see you live on stream
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Due to being new to the streaming world my schedule will be a bit varied for the moment until i find a good stream / life balance, however i will be live / active most days. This will be updated to an exact schedule streaming ASAP.
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I'm not a huge " Rules " person, if you do decide to hang out just have fun and be sure to say hi to the stream. The only thing i do request is that you are respectful to the other viewers / followers / subscribers of the channel and if you need me to repeat something due to my quite bad lisp
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Never requested but always appreciated <3 Most of all please never feel obligated to donate, any / all donations received shall be put into improving the stream and supplying future fun games for us all to enjoy. By completing your transaction, you do so understanding that donations are non-refundable and you will receive no products / services for your donation. ( apart from those stated above and any others agreed to on stream by myself )
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As requested by my most favourite viewers <3 Twitter: Instagram: I'll keep these updated as often as possible :D
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Coming Soon... Watch this space ;-)