Baner profilu użytkownika drekwiz

47,2 tys. obserwujących


i play game. i show scuff stream.

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Zawartość panelu
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Chat Rules

-No Excessive Single Person Spam -No off topic links -No Racism -Do not harass other chat members BUTTON ART AND OFFLINE ART by @Ryanosauce Animated by @kidbeesha


AMD Ryzen 7 1700X 3.4GHz NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080TI 16GB DDR4 SDRAM 2TB HDD+240GB SSD
Zawartość panelu
I haven't updated in more than a year so it just has super old vids for now.
Zawartość panelu
Full streams that were saved before expiring and deleted by twitch automation. Super old now.