Profile banner for drewlbucket



Average old gamer. Laugh at me and enjoy some banter ;).

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This is easy: + Don't be a bad human. Understand what society expects in 2021. (That means racism, homophobia, etc are not allowed.) + Toxicity is allowed within reason. Don't be a bad human. Understand what society expects in 2021. + You must follow to chat. This is to prevent certain trends on Twitch from occuring here. + I love you and do silly things. + Have fun.
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+ Last Oasis + Rocket League + Path of Exile + I have a huge game library. I am a variety gamer. + New releases
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It would be great to one day do this as my full time job. Every nerds dream, right? If you click the image you can donate with PayPal; however, following or even suggestions will help me grow as a streamer and as a person. I appreciate you just being here or stopping by just as much as anything. Highest Donations: + **#1 in my heart** - Holyk0wz
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**Where are you from?** North Carolina **How long have you been gaming?** Longer than it may look based on skill. I have been gaming since about 1988 casually. I did do some competitive Wolfenstein: ET back in the day when it was almost relevant. **Only PC?** For stream, yes for now. All around? I play 3DS and the Nintendo Switch as well. I have played other consoles throughout life, just don't really get into them anymore. I am primarily a PC master race nerd. **What do you do outside of gaming/streaming?** At the moment, I am a full time father of two and unemployed. Sometimes I fish and I go to every Carolina Panther home game. Win or lose. True fan.
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Follow me on twitter for an extra notification to spam your phone for my beautiful face.
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