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Streaming Sly 2: Band of Thieves with 28 viewers

Hiya! My brain is bad and memory and cohesive thought are not on the menu. What is? Well, we got energy, events, scrap, pandas, awkward situations, and accidental innuendos. Sorry for the entertainment! *hugs*

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I'm now officially partnered with They feel like a very welcoming and positive community and I am confident in recommending their delicious drinks. Click the image above to automatically get 10% off any order and support me in the process!
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Dictated but not read, from the desk of Roadie: 1. Don't be an idiot like that DegeneRatt. 2. If you start a fight, I will be finishing it. 3. Being loud is... tolerable. Being Vicious is my job, and I. Am. The. Best. At. It. Don't make me bring out the hook. 4. If you say inconspicuous one more time...
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Lost and Found (Tips): Thank you for supporting the mayhem! Every bit of loot you donate goes to fixing the Hideout, feeding Mako, creating elaborate Explosive schemes for upending that Junk Queen, and keeping me heisting for your entertainment!
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Also partnered with Humble Bundle! Same great deals, same donations to charities, but now you can support me simply by using the link You can also choose to direct a portion of the purchase cost towards a content creator, but just being generous with charities is enough.
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Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6pm-9pm Est Weekend: 1pm-5pm est Hours may vary as we choose different targets each heist ~}:-)