Profile banner for duckphone07



Libertarian Socialist Progressive Atheist Gamer. I stand for freedom & human rights & I love to debate. I am a variety streamer, including many games, & I also do worldbuilding for my novel.


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Libertarian Socialist Progressive Atheist Gamer. I stand for freedom & human rights & I love to debate. I am a variety streamer, including many games, & I also do worldbuilding for my novel. [Youtube channel]( [The Quack Pack Discord](


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1. Be respectful. This is an inclusive left-wing progressive community (No hate speech, slurs, etc.). You can share dissenting opinions, but do it with some tact and be prepared for me to debate you. 2. Don't Spam. If you really want me to read a specific message. Spend some of your Bread Crumbs and highlight it. I will read it. 3. I can always come up with new rules.


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#All times in Pacific Time: I currently don't have a regular streaming schedule. I hope to change that soon.


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**!uptime** - Says how long I have been streaming. **!game** - Says what game I am playing. **!followage** - Says how long you have been following me. **!lurk** - Tells me you will be lurking. **!schedule** - Tells you my streaming schedule. **!discord** - Gives my discord invite link. **!starwarslist** - Tells you my current ranking of the Star Wars movies. **!minky** - My deceased cat Minky's bio. **!jaxon** - My deceased cat Jaxon's bio. **!shiloh** - My deceased cat Shiloh's bio.

List of Hobbies

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When I was young, my father owned a hobby store. Therefore I grew up playing all sorts of nerdy games, some of them very obscure. Much of my childhood was spent in this store filled with cards, Warhammer, and other nerdy hobbies. **Video Games:** I enjoy a pretty large variety of video games. Stellaris, Baldur's Gate 3, and Guild Wars 2 are currently some of my favorite games. Listing all of my favorite games would take too long. However, I should mention I used to play Super Smash Brothers Melee and Project M at a tournament level. **Tabletop RPGs:** I started out with the Saga Edition D20 Star Wars. I learned others like Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition and Deadlands. Nowadays I GM an FFG Star Wars game, I'm a player in a D&D 5E Eberron campaign, and I am interested in running or playing in a Starfinder campaign in the future. **Magic the Gathering:** While I do have one casual modern-legal 60-card deck, all of my other decks are all Commander decks. I currently have ~14 commander decks. It's easily my favorite MtG format. **Warhammer 40K:** My first army was the Dark Angels. But it was kind of a jumbled mess of secondhand models. Currently, my two armies are Farsight Enclaves Tau and Iyanden Craftworlds Eldar. However I'm still assembling and painting them, so they are a work in progress.

Bio and Personal Beliefs

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#Name: Matt Age: 33 Pronouns: He/Him Location: Central California **Political Beliefs Summary:** Libertarian Socialist Progressive. I believe freedom and human rights are paramount. Supporter of the LGBTQIA+ movement. We should protect the natural world and acknowledge scientific facts. Police brutality is a major problem in this country. We need to fix the massive wealth gaps in this country. Capitalism is not a sustainable economic policy. Both political parties suck, but they don't suck equally. The Republican Party is outwardly fascist and they must be stopped. **Religious Beliefs Summary:** Agnostic Atheist (Although I can make a good Gnostic Atheist argument). Specifically, I am an anti-theist, since I believe the world would be better off without any religion.


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**ONLY DONATE IF YOU REALLY WANT TO AND YOU CAN AFFORD IT!** **Donations are NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason! No exceptions!** I truly appreciate any donations, but I never want anyone to feel pressured to donate. Thank you for supporting my endeavors. **Donation Link:** [Click HERE to donate!](

Channels to Check Out!

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(Yes, that is me with Mark Hamill) [Loki_Doki_GG]( [YUMBLtv]( [Eliundar]( [NewfieBangaa1986]( [RenegadeExiled]( [parker8ball]( [bicboichavo]( [DutchLion](


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I do Worldbuilding for a novel I am writing. Everything is still a work in progress. It's a high fantasy world. If you want to learn more and participate in helping me build it, join me for my worldbuilding streams!