แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ dumblegore4

ผู้ติดตาม 633 คน


Overall inclusive goofball! METALHEADS RUUUULE


A little about me!

Name: Dumble Age: 30 Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Pansexual Nationality: Dutch Timezone: CET Country: The Netherlands Languages: Dutch and English Pets: Gerrit (giant African snail) Hobbies: Gaming, working out, music Favorite band: Emperor My schedule: Monday: 7PM CET Wednesday: 3PM CET Friday: 8PM CET
Rules in my chat? Keep it TOS. I'm a !TST member and the TLDR version of that is; don't be a dick. Which is what I ask from all of you. In trying to keep my platforms as inclusive as possible, I changed up my picture pannels to written text so the software can easily pick it up for reading out loud. I also have CC in my live streams. If there is anything I can change to make my page more accessible here in this space, please let me know. You can e-mail me (dumblegore4@gmail.com), let me know in discord or my twitch chat when I'm live.
Discord: Become a part of Dumblegore's army by clicking the banner or typing !discord in chat.
Donations: Never required but always appreciated <3 ⚠ DISCLAIMER: Donations can NOT be refunded! I also have a Throne page! You can find this by typing !throne in chat. By subscribing, you will skip the ads. Get more emotes of my face, a lovely crown in front of your name, and my eternal gratitude! Prime subs don't renew automatically, but are always welcome!
Contact: Find me on almost all social media by clicking the banner or typing !socials in chat. For business inquiries, I can be contacted by mail: dumblegore4@gmail.com
Merchandise: You can find my lovely merch by clicking on the panel or typing !merch in chat.
Teams: I am a content creator with A One Man Army E-Sports (AOMA) and a team member of the Nightbreed Order (!NBO).