639 sledovateľov


Well hello there! I'm Dustygriff. I've loved games (especially JRPGS and the RPG genre as a whole) for what feels like my whole life, and wanted to start streaming to share that passion with others.

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Well hello there! I'm Dustygriff. I've loved games (especially JRPGS and the RPG genre as a whole) for what feels like my whole life, and wanted to start streaming to share that passion with others! Stream plans currently include: + Final Fantasy IV Free Enterprise + Game development streams (returning in the near future) + Music creation streams + LOTS of RPG games

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Join the Dusty discord for stream news, game discussion, and chill times! I use the discord to post schedules, stream news, and just chat and post things I find interesting. Come hang out with awesome people.

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Support is never required, but always appreciated. Click above to donate if you are so inclined!
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At the moment, I usually stream every other day in the evening for about 2-4 hours, practicing FFIV FE or playing a JRPG casually. Daily streaming updates are posted on the discord!
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