Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho earthwyrmm

223 người theo dõi


Professional dweeb

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CURRENT GAMES: Main: Horizon Forbidden West Side: Crash Bandicoot 4 Side: Dead By Daylight
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Hey everyone! Im EarthWyrmm. I have loved gaming for as long as I can remember! Im not terribly great at them but that's never stopped me! I am a variety streamer who loves everything from Tetris and Pacman to Shooters and souls games! Feel free to shoot me some recs! :)
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Respect is key! I will not tolerate any form of racism rude comments or harassment of any kind. Lets just all be good to each other okay? It's not hard.
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To support my channel you can Sub! Subs get access to Sub only Discord Ad free viewing Sub Sundays (Subs vote on what game I play/We can play together! Cute potion bottle badges Adorable Emotes My genuine appreciation of course! (Tier 3 subs for the US only atm) can have me send them a personalized note and sticker bundle!!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
SOME OF MY FAVORITE GAMES (no particular order) Hollow Knight Horizon Zero Dawn Bloodborne Bioshock Zelda Ocarina of time Skyrim Elden Ring Tetris Crash Bandicoot Mario Kart Super Smash Bros Hearthstone Pokemon (Yellow, Gold, Sapphire, and more) Call of Duty; Blackops,MW2, MWF, Zombies, Warzone, blah blah blah :P Gears of war Apex Fortnite EFT arena Dead by Daylight
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~PC Specs~ AMD Ryzen 3600 Asus Tuf 3070 OC Asus Tuf Gaming x570 plus Wifi •OBS •LogiTech c920 HD pro
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Never feel obligated to tip! If you wanna support me in this way it's much appreciated <3 <('_')>


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