Profile banner for echomochi



hi, im echo. i occasionally stream art or whatever video game im into

about the strimmer

im an east coast boi, im 22 with an incredibly weak motivation to stream lol and im gay


1. i say some pretty weird shit on stream so i cant really hold it against you if you curse a lot or say something questionable, but if i or one of my mods say to chill out then just listen to them 2. in general dont advertise your own stream, if i know you stream and i like you ill shout you out, if you host me ill shout you out, yall should know basic decency by now 3. dont tell me how to play games unless i ask. lol

ko-fi / commissions

absolutely never required, but if you want to donate to me you can use this link: if you're interested in commissioning me, information is on the commissions tab of my ko-fi page as well

PC specs
