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EddieHD = ADHD = Another Swedish Streamer. Former History Major. You can't have a bad streaming schedule if you don't have a schedule.

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# Hello, this is the beggining of a story/fanfic called Eolnyss,which is also the name of the world in this story where the “World government” controls cities and bigger parts of Eolnyss. I will give you the first, second and the third chapter too see if you like it or not # Chapter 1: # The dark room was clouded with smoke as the 1st lieutenant entered the room. He walked slowly , trying to avoid the big clouds, towards the black desk where a man in black cape was sitting and enjoying his last cigar. # ???: What do you want Xephurus? Xephurus: I'm sorry to disturb you lord Reigor, but I have found the perfect team for the mission, as you asked me to. Reigor: Oh really? Show me. Xephurus: Here are their files, the first one, Vincent, is an ex dragon knight wit... Reigor: A dragon knight here in the "World government army"? I thought they were all killed, protecting the dragons in "the great dragon war" 85 years ago? Xephurus: Not all of them , some fled and spread around the world. But just very few ,it is estimated to be less then 20 of them left. Raigor: Oh, so he is quite unqiue then. But why is he in the very same army that killed mostly of his comrades 85 years ago. Xephurus: That, I dont know. Anyway, he has not failed a single mission yet. Our second man, or should I say woman, for the team is Holly, unlike the other two soldiers, she is a general. Raigor: A general? She doesn't look like she is older then 20! Xephurus: She is 21, she got trained from a very early age from her father who I think you know is. Captain Salvador, the legendandary swordsman, who got killed in a fight 2 years ago against the leader of the Rebel force. Raigor: ...yes. So that is his daughter. Xephurus: Yes. Now to the third one. I don't know if I made the right choice here but there is something about this kid, let me read his file: Damien Nezil , half deamon, found as a abbandoned baby outside a fosterhome 19 years ago. Joined the army recently after searching for for his ancestors, the deamon tribe,for 4 years but without results. Completed and returned alone from 2 out of 2 A-rank exploring missions. Raigor: Returned alone? Xephurus: Yes, his comrades died on the 30-man missions we knew was sucides missions in order to explore and give us information about dangerous areas of the Eolnyss world map. He has both times returned alone with information. Raigor: Hmm I wonder what his skills are, considering he is a human with deamon blood running through his veins. Good Work Xephurus, you are dissmissed. # Xephurus saluted him and then left the room. # Raigor spun his chair 180 degrees and gazed down on the city. Raigor: I wonder if 2 soldiers and a general will be able to complete the mission assigned for them...
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# Chapter 2: The mission # Damien suddenly sat up in his bed, yawning the sleepiness out. Loud knocks could be heard coming from the door. He put on some cloths and headed for the door. Another loud round of banging could be heard. # Damien: yeah yeah Im coming, stop the house demolishing will ya. Damien oppened the door Soldier: Orders from officer rufus. You, Damien Nazil, must attend to a confidential meeting in the Headquarters at 12.00 today. We will escort you there, you have exactly 10 minutes to get your equipment and items you want to bring. Damien: Whats all this ruckus, I dont have any meeting scheduled today? Soldier: This is newly recevied informartion and of most importants , that is all I know. Please hurry. Damien: yeah whatever * he said and slammed the door right infront of the soldier and started packing his stuff* # When Damien entered the conference room at the headquarters the first thing he saw was a young girl sitting on a chair at the table not far from the entrance, next he saw a strange looking guy, sitting in the corner with a giant, long, spear shaped lance on his shoulder. Damien noticed that he was not wearing any army uniform but something that looked like black snake skin. He was starring in the ground but as Damien entered he looked up for a few seconds and then down again. Damien was just going to ask question as officer Rufus entered. # Rufus: Hello, soldiers and officers. You are problary wondering why you are here, so Im going to explain what I have been told to explain from my superiors. You three are going on a mission and therefor you are from now on a team. Damien: What? I hardly know these too wierdos and.. Holly: HEY! who are you calling wierdo , I'm higher rank then you soldier. Damien: Whatever. Holly ignored him Holly: But sir, Whats up with this sudden mission? And why is it only a three-man mission? Rufus: I will explain that now if you let me speak. # Damien and Holly where both quiet now even though you could see that they had more coming.
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# Rufus: Thats better. You have all been chosen by one of my superiors for this mission. This is a confidential mission, what is spoken about in this room stays in this room. Those are the orders. 2 days ago something of importants was stolen from the laboratory in Treno (The main capital of Eolnyss) was stolen by the Rebel forces. A crystal to be more precise. Information tells us they are headed towards the forrest of illusions north of here. The mission is to retrieve the crystal by any means necissary. Damien: Why not send a 20-man team if it is so important? Holly: Idiot, then they will see us coming from continents away. Rufus: Exactly. It takes about 4 days to reach the forrest of illusions from Treno and only 3 days from here. But since they left 2 days ago we must asume that they are 1 day ahead of you. So you must have a fast pace. Holly you have been the assigned the leader for this mission. Holly: Good, but sir, if it is as you say, we must leave immediatly then. Rufus: Yes, you are dissmissed. Oh yeah , and one more thing. We do not have any information according the streangh of the Rebel group so be really carefull. # Damien smiled and then walked out of the room followed by the other two. # Holly: Okey, let me just make this clear. I am the leader of this mission , you two do as I say, got it? Damien: whatever. Vincent: Yes. Holly: Good, I dont know what they where thinking when they put us three togheter who has no experience in working togheter or knowledge of eachother skills. Damien: Who cares, we got to get a move on. Holly: yes, sorry. We will cross Grean planes to get to the forrest of illusions. I will take the lead you follow me. Lets move out. # Holly was running infront while the other two was some meters behind here. Damien: Soo, whats your name? Vincent: Vincent.. Damien: okay, so whats your story? Vincent: .... Nothing that is necissary to know about for this mission. Damien: oookay... well Im just gonna talk little with the big boss. he said and increased his pace a little to catch up with Holly # Damien: Creepy guy back there. who is he? And why is he wearing that snake skin? Holly sighed Holly: Dont you know anything? He is a dragon knight and the thing he is wearing is not snake skin its dragon scale which happens to be one of the most strongest materials in the world. Damien: Ah a dragon knight eh? hmm, never heard of it. Holly: Idiot... Damien: shut up. Holly: The dragon knights where humans living with the dragons. They recieved dragon magics and learnings, and they always protected the dragons. But 85 years ago , the world government atacked the dragons because they were seen as a threath to the humans. Almost every dragon and dragon knight was exterminated but some fled when the battle was already lost. I think vincent here is one of those. Damien: Whaaat? but how can that be? he doesnt look much older then 30. You said it happened 85 years ago! Holly: I also said that they have recieved dragon magics, and a dragon has 8 longer life span then a human. I believe Vincent has gotten some of that increased life span from the magic. Damien: I see.. # A moment of silence was cast upon them. # Damien: Oh, cool swords you got there. Can I see them? Holly: No you can not. Damien: Bah, aren't you the boring one. By the way how come a cute girl like you end up officer in the army? Holly blushed Holly: That.. That's none of your buisness. Damien: Chill, I was just asking. Holly: sorry, my father was a captain in the army, he was called the legendary swordsman. Damien: "He was a captain"? Holly: yeah... he got killed in a fight against the rebel leader 2 years ago... Damien: I'm Sorry to hear that.. Holly: thanks.. I was raised with just him as a father since my mother died of sickness when I was just a baby. I trained everyday from a young age and I wanted to be just like him. Damien: Well atleast you knew one of your parents... Holly: what do you mean...? Didn't you? Damien: Well... I was a foster child. Holly: Oh..I see.. # The silence once again hit them like a punch in the stomach. They continued running without saying anything for what was left of the day. # Holly: Lets set up the tent, its getting late and its easier to get ambushed in the dark. Damien: yeah good idea. # They all fell asleep fast and got up as soon as the sun rose to continue the pursuit. After 12 hours running , Vincent suddenly spoke. His voice startled Damien and Holly since they where not used to hear him speak. # Vincent: I can see them. They are not far away. Holly: What? I dont see anything. Vincent: It's dragon vision. Holly: oh. Vincent: It's 2-man group. Holly: speed up guys, lets catch up to them now. # 30minutes later Vincent spoke again. # Vincent: What the?? Holly: What is it? Vincent: They stopped, now they are turning around. Damien: Shit, they spotted us. Vincent: They are smiling at us. Holly: They are waiting for us... Prepare yourselves.
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# Chapter 3: The battles # Damien , Holly and Vincent landed infront of the Rebels. They watched the two really big men carefully. One of them had what seemed to be a giant hammer and the other one some strange looking gloves. # Man #1: Hehe it seems as we have some followers , brother gill. Gill: yeah followers, brother Bill. Bill: They are soldiers for the government, problary here to recover the crystal. Holly: thats right, hand it over. Bill: Why should I hand over a item which brings death. Holly: Stop your nonsense. And give it to us. Bill: haha , you pawns understand so little of reallity. Holly: As you wish Rebel scum, we shall the the crystal with force. Prepare yourself * she said and withdrew her swords* # The two brothers started laughing. # Gill: It's funny you mention that since we are the ones being prepared for the longest. *he clapped his hands togheter Explosion arts: Release * Damien: shit a trap both he and vinced jumped to the side # Holly was not fast enough and had just barely began to jump before the explosive sent her far away, landing hard on the ground. # Damien: HOLLY! shiiit! Holly are you okay? # Holly did not reply. Vincent examined her. # Vincent: She is alive, but uncounsious. Damien turned against them. # Damien: You bastards, you will die! # Gill: Oh I only got one of them. Bill: well no worries, now its one for each of us. Gill: I want the bad tempered guy. Bill: fine then I will take the funny looking guy with the big lance. # Damien vs Gill # Damien ran towards one of the brother sending a punch towards him. It was evaded by Gill and countered with a punch of his own towards Damiens chest. A explosion was created and Damien flew backwards # Gill: hehe, you see my gloves are just not good looking, they also make a minor explosion when they come in contact with anything. # Damien stood up, coughing up some blood and then smiled. # Damien: I see, I'll just have to fight fire with fire then * Deamon arts: Flaming Fist and both Damiens hands ignited* Gill: ooh I never seen that one before. Damien: And you problary are not going to again. * Damien rushed towards Gill again and this time landed a strong punch on his cheek making him fly backwards and onto the ground* Damien: How do you like that, huh! # Gill: hhehehehe... * Explosive arts: release * Damien looked down on his leg, where a small bomb had been atached, started beeping. Damien: Shit, when did h.... the bomb exploded # Gill: haha, while I was flying backwards from your punch I threw a self ataching bomb on you , to small to be noticed while concentrating on a fight. Damien had a deep wound now on his leg, pouring out louds of blood. He grouned. Damien: Shit...I was to careless. * he ignited his right hand again * Gill: what is he doing`? # Damien took his burning first and pressed it hard against the wound. He groaned in pain. When he removed his hand the skin was burned togheter and the bleeding had stopped. # Damien: Do you know what gives deamons streantgh he asked without looking away from the burnmark on his leg Gill: no..why would I? Damien: Pain * he said with a demonic voice and looked up* # His eyes where red as blood. Gill stepped back. # Gill: Wha... Whaatt are you? # Damien stood up. And suddenly he disappeared and appeared next to Gill, whispering in his ear. # Damien: Its over... * he ignited his left fist again and uppercut Gill in the stomach making him fly up in to the air* # Damien jumped after, and landed hundreds of punches within seconds. Then apeared above him, Demon arts: Dark.. matter.. , a dark sphere was created between both of his hand. He raised both of his hand above his head and then launched the sphere towards the chest of Gill making him fly at an extreme speed into the ground creating a small crater under him. Damien landed next to him and seconds later the eyes turned back to normal and Damien fell backwards on the ground.
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# MEANWHILE # Bill wildly swung his giant hammer against vincent leaving him no opportunity to counter atack. # Bill: haha whats the matter. Afraid to atack? Well then I'll go * he raised his hammer high and then bashed it into the ground infront of Vincent, sending a big shockwave to him* # Vincent flew to the side and landed on his back. # Bill: mwahahaha, this is to easy he charged toward Vincent with his hammer raised on his right shoulder # Vincent had just gotten up before he was hit in the side by the giant hammer. Vincent bounced on the ground. # Bill: Im not done yet and he charged again towards Vincent # Vincent got on his knees and jumped far up in the sky seconds before the hammer would hit him. # Gill: what the? Vincent: * Dragon arts: Dragon breath , and vincent released a cloud of fire from his mouth.* # The fire and heat wave pushed gill away on the ground landing on his back. Vincent came diving from the sky with his Lance pointing at Gill. # Gill: Shit * he lifted up his hammer infront of him and parried the sharp edge of the lance* # Vincent then landed on the hammer and jumped up again, Dragon arts: Lance of thunder , he raised his lance as electricity surrounded it and then threw it. The lance was surrounded by electricity in the form of a dragon. Gill lifted up hiss hammer in order to parry. # Vincent: Its no use... # The lance went straight thrue his hammer and pierced his chest. Vincent landed and removed the lance. He was at his limit. He looked for Damien, and he saw that he seemed to be okay but exhausted. Vincent thrust his spear into the ground and then sat down next to it.
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# You dumbass What part of Naruto Fanworks do you not understand? Only Naruto fanfics are allowed here. And this isn't even a real fanfic either. Go take your shit to some crappy forum. # Oh my, but you do have a lot of random spelling errors in all that. I suppose it okay, but the script format does take away from the action. # yeah I know there is some spelling errors here and there but that was because I wrote this , like 3 in the morning, so I was tired.:p # For one...Script is a NO NO. Fanfiction is in story form, not script form. Spelling is another one. If u are going to write a fanfic, write it in story form. That's basically it. Everything else is okay. # What do you think of this FanFic? ## Its very good -1 vote(s) 16.7% ## Its Okay -4 vote(s) 66.7% ## Its bad- 1 vote(s) 16.7%
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Good Fucking Lines Bajs We good we chilling we gucci Tamagucci? *stare silentyl* ... i choose you What is this? a comment for four dimensional beings I've 140IQ A boot time A bucket i don't give a fuck it A CUNT WITH HIS ARSE OUT! As a wise man once told me .. that wise man was me After this game ALLO Alright Alright Alright Among us song And my axe YOUR MOM!! Anyways i think im gonna peace out here Back in black Bacon is good for me! Bada bing bada boom Banana split Bitch, i made you my bitch! BITCOOONNEEECT!!! BLISSARD!!! borgir Boyyyyyyyy Brosef from another mosef! Brother from another mother! But at what cost? But first let me take a selfie But i’m not a rapper - sike, that’s the wrong number - i’m about to end this man’s whole career By fire be purged Call me maybe Capoeira (kappa) CBT Clown fiesta Come with me if you wanna live Comeback israeli Copesen Cosmetic comment Desperate times calls for desperate measures Do you know what it is? Do you wanna build a dung man? Donde esta el perro Don't be a loser buy a diffuser! DOUBLE RAINBOW Enjoy your life! Everybody in uganda knows kong fu Everyone needs to relax Expecto Patronum! EXTRAORDINARY! EZ4forsen FAN OF KNIVES! F--f-freestyler, rock the microphone FIRE IN THE HOLE Fisting is 300 bucks FOR DALARAN For sho for sho Forsen forsen forsen im your number one fan AAAHHH forsenWTF fr fr FUCK ME WITH A STICK Fucking science yeah mr white Get out of me mum's car GET TO THE CHOPPER GIMME GIMME Give it here, malfoy Give them nothing, but take from them... everything HARRY POTTAH! He vented Heehee Hello is it me you're looking for Hello motherfucker Hello, step into my castle Help i need somebody Here We Go! Here's the deal with homeless people HEY HEY HEY ey marina Heyeayeayeayea heyeayea! what's goin' on?! Hit me baby one more time Hold your horses Houston, we got a problem HOW CAN SHE SLAP? How could this happen to me Humungous wot I can't believe you have done this I can't see shit in the mist I got 99 problems but ... I like turtles I prefer men I really really really like you I was testing you chat and you failed the test I will be here for you! I will remember you! I WILL SURVIVE! Ichiban lipstick for men! IDIOTA Idk kev If i speak If you don't snus If you think you can beat me in 123 If you're not in you can't win I'm chicken... I'm chicken I'm chicken I'm coming home. IM FUCKING MALDING I'm going mentaly insane! I'm going up so you better get this party started! I'm just a streamer! I'm lovin' it! I'm only human! IMMA FIRIN MAH' LAZER!!! In sveden we have snus Insane in the membrane Is it too late now to say sorry? Is this the forsen build? It ain't easy when it's hard It go down! It happens to the best of us It rain it pours It was rigged from the start It's a miracle rogue! It's friday! It's high noon somewhere in the world It's OVAH! don't you get it It's the exact same rank! Winnable! I'VE A BACKPACK I'VE A BACKPACK I've a key, ugandan key I've never seen a woman Juan deag Just get a house Just the two of us Justice is the man's retribution Kappa 123 Keep the change you filithy animal King of the castle Ladder goat! Ladies and gentlmen of the arena! Leave britney alone! Legitness!!1!! Let me smell YO DICK Leviosaa! Like a boss! Lit as FUCK BOI! Look at you go! Luke im your father! madafaka madafaka Master bruce May there be light Meat is murder .. sir this is a bakery MEN VA FAN HELVETTE! MODS! Ban vadikus and samme1g .. Permaban Mods! scroll up! MORE DPS Mussle My instincts are telling me no but my body is telling me yes! My life is potato, all i dream about is potato My name is jeff My name is pewdiepie My name is sven My spider senses are tingling Need a medic over here Netflx and chill NEVER AM I EVER FUCKING LUCKY! Never say never Nintendo64!!!! No i don't think so No refunds mods No spammerino in the chatterino No way jose NOT THE BEES Not the boat anything but the boat Nothing here NOT LIKE THIS Old but gold Omelette du fromage One point from lethal One more time! One way or another Only you can prevent forest fires Or are we human Or as we say in french … ORDAH !! Ouch charlie! Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer Perfectly splendid Pogress has been made Por foavor Pretty much everywhere, it's gonna be hot Previously on lost Pussel
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Really? you've got to be kidding me! Remember children swish and flick! Remember me mr freedro Right into the feels Risk it for the biscuit RARARAH RARARH RAAAAUUUUL See you in the next episode Shieeeeeeet! SHIT IN MY ASS! SHUT THE FUCK UP PEPPAH! SILENT BUGGY SLICE THEM UP! Small loan of a million dollar Smoke weed everyday So you think you can dance Some kind of god of war Somebody that i used to know Sometimes in life you gotta go fast Sometimes , i pull so hard , i rip the skin Somewhere deep down my heart .. i still love you Songify this - winning Speicimen Stayin alive Stop calling! stop calling! Stop in the name of love Stop it ron it's leviosa SUPA SUPA HOT FIRE That was kinda sus Take me by the hand , lead me to the land Take on me Taking the hobbits to isengard Tell me why Thanks arthur That the way the cookie crumbles That's all she wrote That's not very xqcl The master baiter The best pirate i've ever seen The best the best the best the best the best the best the best Then he waddled away. Waddle waddle. 'Til the very next day. The numbers , mason THE TIME WIZARD Then i don't need a jacket There must be some kind of way out of here ( said the joker to the theif) They call him bruce u They came from behind They hate us cause they anus They see me rolling they hatin Thing go skraa - boom big shack Thingy majing Think of the childern THIS IS MADNESS This is the way Three musketeers Time to throw Two more for the price of one U fookin wot m8 UNLIMITED POWER UNLOCK IT UNLUCKY Uuuuhhhhhh what's up doc? VERY GOOD VERY GOOD We are boot to find out We can make it if we try We could've had it all We gonna need a bigger boat We have a situation We have to go back jack WE LOVE FORTNITE! We will never know until we know you know We will see we will see, the winner get tea Welcome to uganda! West Virginia , mountain mama What are you doing in my swamp? What do you mean - jb <3 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger WHAT IS THIS GAME ABOUT?! WHAT IS THIS GAME ABOUT?! WHAT IS THIS GAME ABOUT?! What is this? a comment for ants?! Whatcha talkin bout willis? What's cooler than being cool? WHAT'S IN THE BOX? What's up what's down what's in between? What's your problem green? When you mess with the best... when you try your best but you don't succeed Where are my dragons? Where are the others? (batman voice) Where da hoes at? Where do we go now? Where's my auctioneer? Where's rachel? Who is that pokemon Why are you running? Why don't you go fuck off then? i will catch a grenade for ya With great powers , comes great responsbilites Or as Bruce Lee would say .. WOTAAH Woulda shoulda coulda Yes no maybe , i don't know Yes this is dog YOLO swag 420 blaze it this shit You only YOLO once You can't beat me , my time is now You kiss ur mom with that mouth You know the rules and so do i You mad bro? i would be mad. I would be fucking pissed You probably wondering how i got here YOU SHALL NOT PASS You spin my head right round You talking to me? You will never see me again You're a wizard harry! You're telling me You've taken everything from me Sitting on the toilet See Ya Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya He's/She's a maneater That's what she said Say hello to my little friend FAK IT Run Forrest run! Do you know what it feels like? Toss A Coin To Your Witcher I always feel like somebody is watching me You're Beautiful Disgustang I come from a land down under VAPE NATION Oh my God in heaven Let it be Dead Giveaway Retardo Patronum You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry. WON'T BE LIKE THAT 3 BULLETS TO SAVE THE WORLD no matter what they say ... words can't bring me down CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES Let them come Now you're gonna see This is how we do action in Uganda! IN YOUR HEAD Pistolero Why I must cry I GOT THIS Random Beatboxing So am I still waiting For this world to stop hating are you winning son? Nice and Easy wins the race I will find him Golden Legendary Decisions decisions Fridays with PewDiePie EXCUTE ORDER 69 Jesse we have to cook And they say chivalry is dead Crashing this plane... WITH NO SURVIVORS! I Used To Be An Adventurer Like You, Then I Took An Arrow In The Knee. I'd like you to get the fuck outta here! Words can't bring me down Alright who wants some My Name is Boxxy Para bailar la bamba LEAVE HER JOHHNY hey you with the pretty face welcome to the human race It's over anakin, i've the high ground Everything is black Get on the floor, Everybody walk the dinosaur. Say something I'm giving up on you! A wizard is never late OH BABY A TRIPLE SHUT UP MEG Woody's got Wood Look at this photograph Don't Do that HOW DO WE TURN OFF NOTIFCATION?! HOW?! IN GAME HOW?
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# The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries. 2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy. # 3. If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later. # 4. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence; it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can’t predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society. This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society. # 5. In this article we give attention to only some of the negative developments that have grown out of the industrial-technological system. Other such developments we mention only briefly or ignore altogether. This does not mean that we regard these other developments as unimportant. For practical reasons we have to confine our discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which we have something new to say. For example, since there are well-developed environmental and wilderness movements, we have written very little about environmental degradation or the destruction of wild nature, even though we consider these to be highly important. # 6. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general. # 7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology. (Also, see paragraphs 227-230.) # 8. Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn’t seem to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do here is indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psychological tendencies that we believe are the main driving force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be telling the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We leave open the question of the extent to which our discussion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. # 9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization.” Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.