Záhlaví kanálu eiqju

1,2 tis. sledujících


hey 🤓 here you can watch me hanging with frands and lofi music 🎧 in TFT or LoL , or i am practicing piano 🎹, or i am playing Zelda or Pokemon Games or Horror or Community Games, on Discord you can sing Karaoke 🎤👩‍🎤with us or do other stuff,so have fun and relax ⛱️🍹

Obsah panelu
Recently i had to send a 10 years old boy to the hospital with leukemia - meanwhile he got the diagnosis from the bone marrow biopsy and he started with chemotherapy - atm he is in a bad state with high temperature and side effects from the chemo his type of leukemia has unfortunately no other therapy option than a transplantation of bone marrow and this quickly but only 30 % can find a bone marrow donor in their own family... in germany and in many other countries worldwide there is a bone marrow file where people can register and test themselves - this is very easy you just need to swab some spittle! **the probability that you are a matching donor is very small, but if you are, you could safe a live with that!** [Register here](https://www.dkms.org/get-involved/become-a-donor)
Obsah panelu
hey you, welcome at my channel 😊 i love to hang out with other people to play games 🎮 and listen to or make music 🎹 and important i never wanna play ego shooter. dont judge my beginner english and i am not using a cam cause of several reasons just enjoy your time here and be yourself and no one else feel free to ask what you want to know, and feel free to join our discord, where you can find us, on sundays we also sing karaoke there 🎤👩‍🎤 so have fun and relax ⛱️🍹 [Songlist](https://www.streamersonglist.com/t/eiqju/songs)
Obsah panelu
Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Switch games like Pokemon Shining Pearl and Violet and Zelda Links Awakening and BOTW Dead by Daylight, Ghost Watchers, Phasmophobia, Devour, Outlast Life is strange garticphone Twitch Sings closed :( Among us Poker and others feel free to ask if we wanna try any game together
Obsah panelu
pls ask us to join
Obsah panelu
[click here to donate](https://streamelements.com/eiqju/tip)
Obsah panelu
my fundraising campaign for **doctors without borders** was originally created cause of the ukrainian war, but **doctors without borders** are an international, independent medical humanitarian organisation, who help everywhere where medical help is urgently needed. you can find further information [**here**](https://www.msf.org). [eiqjus campaign for doctors without borders pls donate here](https://tiltify.com/@eiqju/doctors-without-borders-medical-help-for-ukraine)
Obsah panelu
[click here to subscribe](https://www.twitch.tv/products/eiqju)
Obsah panelu
[Nemolas](https://www.twitch.tv/Nemolas) [Foogydoo](https://www.twitch.tv/Foogydoo) [Pojoimprov](https://www.twitch.tv/Pojoimprov) [Mahsti_spielt](https://www.twitch.tv/Mahsti_spielt) [Keysight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1325730/Keysight/) is the really nice visualization software that i am using in my piano streams and this is its creator who streams too and is very supportive: [Egglyberts](https://www.twitch.tv/egglyberts)