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A tattooed and pierced Irish girl living in England. I love all things spooky. Come vibe with me for some chats and games! Currently streaming on console until I save up enough money for a pc. Here to have fun and make friends 💕

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Hey! I'm Ella, I'm a 26 year old Irish gal living in England. I'm a lover of all things spooky and I wish Halloween was everyday. I love tattoos, piercings and dyed hair as you can tell.. I started streaming Feb 2021. I'm a variety streamer but I'm really enjoying playing horror games at the moment even though I'm a huge wuss! I'm an introvert but love meeting new people online, hoping to get to know you guys in chat ♡
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You can subscribe to be part of the Umbrella Gang and you will get a cute little umbrella sub badge! You can stand under my umbrella.. ella..ella.. ey ey ey ;) If you have Amazon Prime connected you can sub for free once every month ♡
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Donations are hugely appreciated but not at all necessary to be a valued stream member! Click the spooky drippy donate button to donate if you wish ♡ Donations cannot be refunded.