Profile banner for elleighbean



I just want to give queer people a safe place to be themselves She / Her I dunno, just say hi and don't be a Jerk


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Branding was done by the absolute power couple that is Dizzy Designs. I can't recommend them enough.


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If you would like to be a part of my community while I am offline, I try to be as active as I can with the discord server, feel free to join us <3


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Honestly if you come in here trying to dookie on any marginalized communities, I'll gladly tell you why you're wrong and end up sending you out the door. <3

About Me

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Hey! I'm Elleigh! She/Her Trans and Queer woman. I am a huge advocate for human rights and mental health. I mostly play Destiny, but do love a wide variety of games so I'll end up playing other things when I get bored. If I don't end up making you laugh then I may not be your cup of soup, but I love you regardless.


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I am @Elleighbean on almost all socials but I primarily use twitter, so that will be your best bet to stay updated.