Záhlaví kanálu elquellora_

2,3 tis. sledujících


Hello! I'm Andrea, also known as elquellora_. Former professional Gwent player, now a full-time streamer. Take your time and let's chill together in chat! 🟡Business: elquellora@network.mkers.it ⚫

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Hello, and welcome to my channel! I'm Andrea, a guy from Rome. Former Gwent Pro Player and now a variety streamer. You can often find me playing in ladder matches or tournaments. I enjoy chatting about everything with the chat, so feel free to say hello and to relax during the stream with us! Besides that, I also have fun playing a bunch of other games and spending time outdoors with friends and family. I hope you enjoy following me in the streams, can't wait to see you in chat!
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Team Leviathan Gaming

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Team Leviathan Gaming Pro & Stream Gwent Squad
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Marvel SNAP Partner

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