Profile banner for emeraldsenvy



Just your typical variety streamer. Chatters and lurkers welcome. Enjoy your stay!

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How goes it? Just your average 27 y/o gamer grill who pretends to be good at games. Sometimes funny, sometimes stupid. You decide. So why don't you stick around for a bit? Let's chat!
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I want this to be a fun zone so we are going to have to lay down a few rules! The rules are as follows: 1. Don't be a jerk. 2. Please try not to backseat game. I know it's exciting when I'm playing a game you have played before, but please try to let me figure some things out on my own. I may be clueless, but hey, I'm having fun, and so should you. 3. Do not post links without being granted permission. 4. Do not spam the chat. Spamming will result in a timeout. 5. Please refrain from asking inappropriate questions. They will be ignored, and repeated asking will result in a ban. 6. No racist comments, please. Result of repeated racist/any derogatory comments will result in a time out, and then a ban. 7. Just have fun! :)
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Click the image above to donate. Disclaimer: Refunds are not available. Please be sure that you are using your account/card for donating. Current donations will be going towards helping with bills rather than new games for stream. First Subscriber: Truugoblin Top Donator: A Hobo Panda, for donating the new gaming/streaming rig! Shout out to JamHam (First donator! WOO!) Donations are in no way expected or necessary. This stream is still new. Donations will be used accordingly to help keep the stream going, and provide more content! Giveaways will be more available with the use of donations. Do not ever feel obligated to donate. The streamer is glad to have you just watching and enjoying her stupidity! If you do donate, thank you so much for your generosity! Thank you so much for all of you who do donate. It warms my heart. You guys are amazing and I hope to see you around still!
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I like never tweet but have at it ig.
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Our PC was donated by HoboPanda so if you see him, tell him hey. Specs are as follows: Case: Thermaltake v21 Motherboard: MSi H110M ECO Harddrive: 1 TB Processor: Intel i7-7700 Graphics Card: Asus GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Dual Video Card Ram: Ballistix 16 GB DDR4
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Credits to where I got my graphics from: Current Portrait and Tier 1&2 Emotes: Emmyizawa TIER 1 Goblin Emote: Truugoblin