Баннер профиля для emidotexe

11,7 тыс. фолловеров


i like video games, cats, and making people happy!

Содержимое панели
**introduction** ♡ | hello! i'm emi, a casual streamer hoping to play some games and make some friends. i primarily stream guild wars 2, but other notable games i like are teamfight tactics and path of exile. ♡ | my focus is on community events, so almost all of my content revolves around playing with viewers. i also talk *a lot*. get me started on a topic and i'll ramble on it for 30 minutes! **f. a. q.** ♡ | [how old are you] turned 25 in june ♡ | [what's your day job] software engineer ♡ | [are you single] nope, i love my bf! ♡ | [who is potato] [my dinner](https://www.twitch.tv/emidotexe/clip/BraveJollyRadicchioUnSane-NZoj67zlwztbQpNW) ♡ | [peak tft rank] masters 150 lp ♡ | [favorite poe build] flicker strike
Содержимое панели
**subscribe to support my channel** ♡ | subs get perks like sub only emotes, coffee cat [loyalty badges](https://i.imgur.com/upvW95P.png), and ad-free viewing. you'll also be supporting my channel, so you will have my eternal love and gratitude! ♡ | amazon prime users get a free twitch subscription to use every month. subscribing with twitch prime will allow you to support my channel with no extra cost to yourself.
Содержимое панели
**always appreciated, never necessary** ♡ | i do the things i do because i love helping people, no strings attached! that being said, i wouldn't mind being spoiled every now and then :D ♡ | donations will be used to upgrade my stream, buy cat toys, or fund my crippling coffee addiction. ♡ | [amazon wishlist](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2RRABET1PS6OC?ref_=wl_share) ♡ | thank you for supporting me~
Содержимое панели
♡ | right now my schedule is all over the place since life is busy~ ♡ | eventually i want to settle into mon/wed/fri at 6 pm pacific US time, and sundays at 2 pm ♡ | focus will be on gw2 for all of the days, with misc variety days splashed in between. maybe i'll add a game request channel redeem one day...
Содержимое панели
♡ | click the image for my referral link. any expansion purchases will support the stream :D ♡ | you can [try the game for free](http://guildwars2.go2cloud.org/SH8Y) too ♡ | once you've clicked the link, it will automatically map your purchases to the last content creator who referred you. it can be buggy, so i recommend accepting cookies and/or trying firefox/edge if google chrome does not work. thank you!