Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho emmxyzzy

3,1 N người theo dõi


Hi, I'm Emmy! I like MS-DOS games, and I play the worst ones so you don't have to.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Hello, my name is **Emmy**! I got a lotta hair, and I live in **Australia**. I was born at approximately the same time as the **90s** were, and raised on **DOS shareware** and **Atari 2600**. (P.S. I pronounce it "**Em-zizzy**", but you can say it however you like! It's not a real word!)
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I spend most of my streams digging through a huge pile of **DOS games**, trying to find fresh favourites. That said, there's a lot of **trash** out there. Excluding adventure games, **expect a new game every 15 minutes**, on average. I am also a self-professed Czechaboo. Sometimes I get distracted and talk about other stuff. Sometimes happens quite a lot. My schedule can be a bit erratic due to this jerk called Long COVID. I do try to update my schedule where possible! Please feel free to say hi. I'm very happy to know you.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
**!sounds** - List of sounds to infuriate me with. **!protip** - Stuck in a game? Worth a shot. **!credits** - Sources for prominent stream elements (if not self-made). There are more, but you gotta ask, observe, or use brute force to find 'em!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I translated a game! With help from [sonneveld](, we created an English version of the **first commercial Czech MS-DOS game**! It's called **The Secret of Donkey Island**, and you can **play/download it for free**, here: [](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Subs get you **crocodile emotes** and **no ads**! But thanks to peer pressure, here is a link for [tips](, for those feeling especially generous and determined! I do technically have a Throne, but it's just for earmarking cool stuff. ...And enabling my [anchovy addiction]( Any and all support is appreciated so much.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Cat. He's a kitty cat. He's enormous, and I suspect that he's mostly **Norwegian Forest Cat** with a little Bengal mixed in (he has a huge butt and is fascinated with water). Type **!daxfact** for more extraneous tales about the local wildlife.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Bit Alerts start at 1 bit because I like to go on the internet and look at images. Especially ones that move. Here are most of 'em. 1 - Annoy! 7 - Court Jester! 10 - Gun. 20 - Babycakes! 23 - URNGH! 50 - Kitty Cat! 69 - 😏 80 - Chow! 90 - Wheeee! 100 - Yoshihiko! 150 - Dog! 200 - Beard Death! 300 - Strong, Tough and Terrific! 420 - Badger! 500 - Dušené šunky! 600 - Rage! 666 - Hell! 1000+ - Donkey Skin! 2000+ - Frogs! 5000+ - Salad! 10000+ - What's Wrong With You? Anything above 50 should trigger TTS, but if all else fails, I'll read it in my best robot voice for you.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Special mention to **20th Century Frog**, a German game, and fresh obsession. It's unique in that it uses the **entire alphanumeric keyboard**! Get the [English patch here](!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I also make more-curated, less-chaotic DOS content for **[YouTube](**! People seem to enjoy it? Maybe you will too!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
For visiting! Whether you're old, new, or just passing through, **I appreciate your presence**! P.S. If you've scrolled all the way here, why not **[sign my guestbook](**? 😎