emptyveetv için profil afişi

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Müzik, 1 izleyici ile yayında

Music videos from the bleeding edge, our VJs host a variety of goth / industrial / darkwave / steampunk / synthpop / dark alternative music of all descriptions! Submissions please email : eMpTyVee.tv@gmail.com

Follow the channel!

We hate spam bots, and don't allow "parking" in the chat without following the channel - we assume it's spam accounts. We try "timeouts" first to give every account a fair chance. If we accidentally banned you, please send a whisper! Let us know you're real - click "follow"!

Who is eMpTyVeeTV?

DJ Addambombb, Producer, creates the visual elements and design for the channel and manages all the technical crap. Addam is the singer / songwriter of The Skeleton Closet and his remixes have appeared on numerous releases in the Dark Alternative club scene. https://linktr.ee/addambombb DJD42 (Diana), Program Director, curates the rotation and manages all the information. She's the hostessss with the mostesssst and can be found moderating live shows and festivals all over Twitch for Angelspit, Virtual Temple, 2Dark, DJs Addambombb & Loki and many more. We write the scripts and hash out gags together for the VJ shows, and drag some of our friends into the nonsense when we can. And that's it. [This space intentionally left blank]

What is eMpTyVeeTV?

eMpTyVeeTV is all dark alternative music video, all the time! All the videos have been submitted by the artists. Our goal is to represent as much as we can of the vast creative spectrum Dark Culture has to offer, to support the scene in a way that is supported by the scene. We do no advertising and sell no advertising - the channel is constantly growing so please follow & subscribe and thanks for your support!

Frequently asked questions (with excessively long answers) :

Q : What song is this? / Can there be a "now playing" feature? A : Most of the artists have their titles included in the videos themselves, we post titles and Bandcamp links in chat when we are available (reminder, there's two of us both in Eastern US time zone), and we post the playlists and links on our FB page. We also wanted to have a "now playing" feature and nothing we've tried so far has worked, if we get something to work we will all celebrate! Q : Is eMpTyVeeTV some kind of Big Corporate Evil thing? A : Nope, it's just a couple goofs doing something goofy. We're actually both broke as a joke and Addam pays out of pocket for most of this, so buy us a pizza would ya? Our name is a parody and we nod to the Music TeleVision of the 80s but just in case please try to pronounce it "empty-vee-tee-vee" (EmptyVision for short). Q : Is this ok, in regards to copyright / licensing issues? A : All the videos are submitted by the artists, who are the copyright holders, and we air nothing that isn't submitted by the artists or created by us for the channel (and is ours lol). Permissions by the copyright holders have been granted which supersedes the authority of any licensing organizations and exempts Twitch et al from liability. We do "sample" for some of our parodies, which like our silly name is "fair use". Q : You say "no advertising" but aren't these "commercials"? A : We don't air any commercials but we do air short promos for live music festival events, benefit collaborations, and things of interest that are created "for us goths by us goths". These are not sponsored spots, they are public service announcements and we consider each case individually. Any commercials Twitch throws at you are not our fault, but you can avoid that by subscribing.