Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho emray

12,4 N người theo dõi


I play games kinda fast and sometimes make cool art.

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Mornin~ Nice to meet you, I'm emray. You can also call me Jesse or em. I play a lot of indie games and do a lot of challenge runs.
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Follow me [here]( for updates on stream and real life. Note: I love metal and post about that, cats, and sometimes memes. I also run the [Sad Hollow Knight Photos]( Twitter page
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Click the panel and sub to my Youtube thanks.
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Since streaming is my main source of income, I appreciate any form of support. This is here for those of you who prefer direct tips through paypal. Reminder, all donations are non-refundable and never asked for. I appreciate you just being here~ <3
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Click the panel above to join our community Discord. As a supporter on Twitch, Patreon, or Youtube, you'll have access to bonus channels.